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Benazir Bhutto, from what I’ve read, seems like the best solution for the Pakistani people. They adore her, she’s all about a sensible transition to democracy, denounces terrorists and terrorism, and has asked for help from the likes US, UK, and Egypt (among others) during her own run as leader of Pakistan.

Here’s hoping she gets another shot at helping her countrymen, this time without all the crap that plagued her previous administration.

Heksefatter said on November 5th, 2007 at 3:52 pm

Well said. I have to admit having absolutely no idea of what would be a sensible way of out the carnage, but what Musharraf is doing is attacking civil society. He is disregarding the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is subjecting critical judges to house arrest. He is cracking down on protesting lawyers. Censoring media. Defying parliament. Suspending the constitution.

Now, let us momentarily accept his claim that he is fighting against chaos and fundamentalism. But what is needed more than anything else for keeping these forces at bay is a strong civil society, the very thing he is undermining.


Here’s the thing about Musharraf fighting “fundamentalism” – the fundamentalist vote in Pakistan as of the last election was eleven percent. In their stronghold, the northern hills provinces, they only picked up twenty-six percent of the vote, and fundamentalist rule there has led to gradual disintegration of civil services there.

And Musharraf isn’t even jailing fundamentalists for the most part. He’s jailing lawyers and human rights activists. That is to say, not fundamentalists, but rather their precise opposite.


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