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But saving around $25 dollars over the course of several months will lift such a financial burden off of me! How can you be so impossibly cruel?!


Except you won’t save any money. As soon as the gas tax is lifted the oil company will raise their prices to curb demand. You’ll still be paying $4.00 a gallon, except now instead of it being $3.00 to the oil company and $1.00 to the government it will be $4.00 to the oil company.

Christopher Bird talks about this more in-depth here:



This is a great script, and it reflects just about every “why doesn’t he just say this” scenario I play in my head when something stupid comes up.

But every time Obama thinks he can talk to the American public like they are intelligent, reasonable and mature people, he gets mild praise from the commentariat, who then revert to nagging him about the flag lapel pin.

OBAMA: Let’s have a calm discussion about race.

COMMENTARIAT: Yes, yes, of course…. Why does your pastor hate America? Do you support the Palestinians because you hate Jews? Do you condone the Weather Underground’s terrorist tactics?

CLINTON: Yeah! Yeah! He wouldn’t be my pastor! Yeah, yeah!


hell yeah man

you should email that in to his campaign and just hope for the best 😉

Joe Helfrich said on April 30th, 2008 at 1:00 pm


“BARACK OBAMA: But here’s the thing: if we get rid of the gas tax, that doesn’t make more oil, and the oil companies are still gonna have to set their prices to the point where enough people aren’t buying gas so they can supply everyone who afford it. Getting rid of the gas tax just means we’re letting oil companies pay less taxes. It’s not going to help you at the pump.”

…isn’t *quite* technically correct. The tax that they’re talking about repealing is collected direct at the pump, and is paid by the consumer–if the gas doesn’t sell, the tax isn’t paid, so it doesn’t come out of the oil and gas industry’s pocket, though it may pass briefly through their hands. (Not quite sure of the mechanics of the tax being paid.)

However, if the tax was repealed, it’s a pretty good bet that there would be an immediate short term price drop, but the price increases in gasoline would increase in rate to compensate for the drop, since it’s already proven that the price won’t have any serious effect on demand. So the oil companies wouldn’t pay less taxes, they’d instead be getting more profits to (not) pay taxes on.


Your idea has wings:


And check this one out while you are at it, I finally hit the top of the charts in a community that is NOT made up of blubbering fanboys:


Fear me.

Sage Freehaven said on April 30th, 2008 at 3:22 pm

Bravo, MGK. Bravo.


If only he would say something like that now and then, I could feel less embarrassed about my desire for him to be president.


…and I can hear him saying every word of this, too. You’ve expertly captured his cadence. Well done.



not quite what you wrote, but close




Awesome. That’s perfect.

I wish Obama would just stand up and expose all the BS that is politcal pandering. Like, I don’t know – the economic stimulus package?

Congress : Ah crap we’re in a recession.

Bush : Hold on now, no need to use that word. People are pissed enough as it is.

Congress : Well, what the hell are we going to do? We need damage control.

Bush: Now think people. What will make the US population less pissed at us?

Congress : Uh, researching fuel alternatives?

Bush: No dummies, money! Give ’em some money! It won’t help the economy in the long run, but it’ll keep the people off our back for a little while. They’ll be able to buy an HDTV or somethin’!

Congress: Hey, that’s not a bad idea. We’ll pay off the American people to keep some political equity.

Bush: Sold! You write it up and I’ll sign it. We’ll worry about a long term solution later…say around the time I’m outta office.

Congress : I’m sorry, what did you just say?

Bush : Oh nothing. Just get that stimulus package written up. Later ya’ll!


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