Sneak preview of something I’ve been working on that’s about sixty percent finished:

Soon. Not as soon as you might like, but sooner than you think.
Sneak preview of something I’ve been working on that’s about sixty percent finished:
Soon. Not as soon as you might like, but sooner than you think.
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
"By MightyGodKing, we mean sexiest blog in western civilization."
-- Jenn
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15 users responded in this post
How cool!
I’d love to help you playtest this.
OK, I’m interested!
Should be a good compliment to my “TF2 Characters as Pokemon Trainers” project.
*drool* YES. Want now.
Pink dice?
I like that font. What’s it called?
Is this… for a Team Fortress 2 tabletop game? If not, can it be?
oh fuck yes
i <3 you
Initial thought: Obvious a TF2 RPG or tabletop or card game.
Secondary thought: That’s 5 different colors of dice on the first card. How many dice is this thing going to involve?
Tertiary thought: Pyro gets an extra dodge bonus but doesn’t get to reflect projectiles? Even at a very low probability?
No spykiilling bonus?
Probably the first post on this site that I totally don’t get at all.
(Then again, I’m probably one of the very few totally-non-gaming geeks you’re likely to come across.)
Not enough.
Ever heard of OCTGN? It might be a good way to spread this around. It’s a moddable card game/tabletop game playing engine, just need to get someone to program the rules into the game, and get the cards into a database, and bam. And it’s like playing with real cards, except on a screen.
You know, there was a tease on the TF2 blog about a board game. It may well have been just a joke, but at least we have the consolation that someone is actually working on such a thing.
Unless you’re developing it as a contractor for Valve, which would be unspeakably cool, but I’m guessing that’s not the case.