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Er. So you noticed a 1/2 second scream from someone when they died or fell and it used a previously recorded scream sound fx?

Eric TF Bat said on May 23rd, 2012 at 9:25 am

I don’t think I’ve ever heard it — well, I’ve heard it, obviously, but I never actually heard which specific scream was The Scream. Now I know, and you’ve ruined movies for me too. I hope you’re happy.

(And why does the Firefox spellcheck dictionary not have “movies”? Or, for that matter, Firefox? Life is full of mysteries. At least these mysteries can be fixed, thanks to “Add To Dictionary”…)


The worst part is that, AFAIK, Wilhelm has never received a single residual.

bmaryott said on May 23rd, 2012 at 9:32 am

There something like three or four of them, yet EVERY movie uses the SAME DAMNED ONE.

Yes, you’re not the only one that notices and is sick of it.

Alegretto said on May 23rd, 2012 at 9:46 am


Paul Wilson said on May 23rd, 2012 at 10:07 am

Of course MGK, you’ve now ruined every movie ever for people who didn’t know about it to start with. 🙂 The wilhelm is something you don’t notice until you’re told about it, at which point it’s too late.


There’s another one, this sound effect of a really squeaky metal door opening, that I’m aware of in the same way. There was some video game years ago that used it as the sound for opening and closing on EVERY LAST DOOR, and now every time I hear it in something I spend the next thirty seconds telling myself, “Hey, that sound was also in ________, and _______, and ________, and…”
The entertainment industries have seriously got to retire some of these things.

Also: I’m somehow absolutely not surprised to see that Pablo Hidalgo compiled that video.


Actually, I like the use of the Wilhelm scream, as long as it’s kept to once a movie. More than that would be too much. (I apparently just have a different definition of ‘over-use’ than MGK.)


What gets me is that it’s such a specific scream. It works best as a two-beat thing, like in Star Wars: “Oh shit, I’ve been shot! This really hurts OH GOD I’M FALLING!” It sort of starts as a pained “Arrrgh!” but jumps to a shrill, terrified “AHHHH!!!” So, you know, use it in those situations. Unfortunately, it gets tossed in all over the place now.

Can you imagine a similar thing in a different art form? Like if novelists all starting including some little in-joke to one another: The Wilhelm Adverb, perhaps.

Cookie McCool said on May 23rd, 2012 at 11:08 am

It is a very obvious scream, but I love it because it’s a little bit of Sheb Wooley in every movie.


I would be quite happy if the Wilhelm scream were retired from action movies, and henceforth only used as a leitmotif in romantic comedies.

Mecha Velma said on May 23rd, 2012 at 11:28 am

Isn’t Avengers the best Buddy Cop movie ever?

I just saw it for the first time last night. I don’t remember the Wilhelm scream mainly because I try not to listen for it. I think my mind blocks it out like a bad memory.

The only time I think its ever really worked in a film is when they used it in Sin City. For some reason the corniness of the scream works with the heavily stylized filmography.

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on May 23rd, 2012 at 11:55 am

“ArrrggAAHHHH!!!!” screamed Tom wilhelmly.

caffinatedlemur said on May 23rd, 2012 at 11:56 am

I don’t care about the Wilhelm scream (don’t notice it really). What absolutely kills me is when they use that creepy canned kids’ laughs that sound like no genuine human laugh ever made. It’s high pitched and has 3 chuckle parts to it. And it sets my teeth on edge every single time.


Unstoppable Gravy Express: Perfect! And it’s a Swiftie, no less!

lance lunchmeat said on May 23rd, 2012 at 12:43 pm

This is like telling the power rangers to stop fighting in the same rock quarry every week. Not gonna happen!


@Doyle: I bet it’s the DOOM door sound.

@Cookie: Sheb “Purple People Eater” Wooley? Really?

Also, countdown until MGK learns about the Howie Long scream…

drmedula said on May 23rd, 2012 at 1:17 pm

I remember an interview with Ben Burtt years ago, in which he talked about how, when all the sound guys in Hollywood were updating or replacing their sound effects files (for Dolby and other higher quality stereo systems), they were all debating about WHICH of the old sound effects should be kept or re-created.It was felt that certain effects had aquired, through their re-use in specific contexts, a subliminal resonance- that although they wouldn’t conciously realise it, audience react differently to “God Thunder” than “Frankenstein Thunder”.(Or the way a director like Sergio Leone would use different kinds of “gunshots” so that the audience could tell WHICH character was shooting even if they were off-camera when they fired).Utimately, they DID end up dumping a lot of old sound effects because they’d just lost their impact through over-use.
So there you have it… the creator of The Wilhelm Scream would probably choose to stop using it.


why not stop watching crappy movies like the avengers etc, and watch real movies instead:


you’re welcome

Michael said on May 23rd, 2012 at 3:48 pm


– a sound editor

Beachfox said on May 23rd, 2012 at 3:48 pm

I remember that part of the movie. My husband turned to me and said “Did that guy -really- just Wilhelm Scream off the edge there?”

I think if he’d had popcorn he would’ve thrown it at the screen.


Dear Author,
I do hope you realize that even though I was blissfully ignorant of the existence of the “willhelm scream” before, you have now ruined every action movie ever for me.

This is on reddit. Thousands of people have now read this, thousands of people who will now recognize a willhelm scream when they hear it. Thousands of people whose movie-going experience you now spoiled by making them aware of this.
And all just because you felt you had to whine about it. Thanks for letting me in on this movie-ruining piece of trivia. Thanks for condemning me to share your horrible fate.

Next time, consider writing a letter TO THE STUDIOS, not to the damn internetz.


If don’t know what it is don’t bother commenting in a negative way as you are too dumb to understand what is going on.


I do hope you realize that even though I was blissfully ignorant of the existence of the “willhelm scream” before, you have now ruined every action movie ever for me.

A Google search for “Wilhelm Scream” gives approximately 1,640,000 results.

In other news, King Kong dies at the end of King Kong.

Odd King said on May 23rd, 2012 at 4:35 pm

“Frank Stallone” gives 568,000 results, so its really only 3 times more well known than Frank Stallone by that reasoning.

Bill Reed said on May 23rd, 2012 at 4:36 pm

I like the Wilhelm Scream.

I don’t like the ubiquitous squeaky door noise, or the children’s laughter, or “Liberty 285 Code 6, 105 North Avenue 52” police chatter.


it is so wonderful to hear the wilhelm scream its like candy for the ears, a treat for informed people who like it. It’s in so many films and it bonds all of us together. Why don’t you ask people to stop using ‘lux aeterna’ in previews or that guy with the same deep voice to announce, ‘in a world’ it’s just a personal trope that you must accept.


@caffinatedlemur – I know that laugh. It is in everything, especially commercials. And you’re right, it sounds nothing like a laugh I’ve ever heard a child produce. I hate it. But I’m glad to know I’m not alone in hearing it.

Also on my list of stock SFX I can’t stand that seem to be in everything is this one recurring surprised crowd “OH!” sound. Like if the clumsy protagonist of a commercial does something embarrassing in a crowded area (like falling down a flight of stairs, or dropping an entire wedding cake) and everyone in the room sees, the crowd lets out a collective surprised/shocked/oh-my-gosh-is-he-okay? “OH!” sound. THE WORST.

Evil Midnight Lurker said on May 23rd, 2012 at 5:02 pm

I don’t have a problem with the use of the Wilhelm, except that using it MORE THAN ONCE IN THE SAME MOVIE OR EPISODE is just inexcusable.

Robin Shortt said on May 23rd, 2012 at 5:05 pm

A Joss Whedon thing wringing cheap laughs from lazy pop culture references? Well I’m shocked.

damanoid said on May 23rd, 2012 at 5:27 pm

I love the Wilhelm scream so much. Its every occurrence delights me; it is like the filmmakers are personally tonguing my ear. You just know they all high-five each other after they add the Wilhelm scream, it is the crown jewel of action movies.

In fact I think they don’t go far enough. After each Wilhelm scream, somebody else should be heard to shout, “Oh my god not Wilhelm!” Even if the movie is set in prehistoric times or Imperial China, it should be made obvious that there is a character named “Wilhelm” and he just fell off something.

In fact doesn’t Wilhelm really deserve to be a more developed character by now? He should appear in every movie, like when the family dog is trapped the volcanic lava, suddenly Wilhelm swings out of nowhere and rescues him. Kind of an all-purpose deux ex machina, except noisier, because Wilhelm can only communicate with that one scream, due to brain damage from all the falling he’s done over the years.

“Wilhelm! Thank god you’re here!”


“Ha Ha! That’s our Wilhelm!”

I think the ideal action movie, or indeed ideal movie of any kind, would be nothing but explosions and Wilhelm screaming for two and a half hours. In 3-D. This seems so obvious that it cannot be argued against, except by a very wrong person who doesn’t know how to sit back and have fun.

Andrew Roark said on May 23rd, 2012 at 5:33 pm

I agree. Also there is another scream. I’m not sure if it has a name, but it’s been in movies, and at least one video game. Usually a person is stabbed and thrown off a cliff, and the scream sounds like “Ahh SHHHHIIIIIII”

Original Golder Axe arcade game is the game i was thinking.


Why don’t you ask people to stop using ‘lux aeterna’ in previews or that guy with the same deep voice to announce, ‘in a world’

Thanks for the reminder! Hollywood, please stop using Lux Aeterna and that same voice-over guy in every goddam preview.

Cookie McCool said on May 23rd, 2012 at 5:45 pm

@ Brandi: I prefer to think of him as Sheb “Dreamy-Ass Pete Nolan From Rawhide” Dooley, but yes, that’s the man. Allegedly he was the actor who recorded that scream for some cowboy-in-the-swamp movie.

damanoid said on May 23rd, 2012 at 5:48 pm

“In-a-world” Guy is dead, so if he’s still doing voice-overs then it’s the result of some extremely fancy sound editing.



I also take issue with the “Tarzan howl.” It was used in one of the Star Wars abominations when a Wookie swung by a vine/rope during a battle.

I consider it completely shameful not to push myself to be the best I can be. For these sound guys to use a Wilhelm, the Wolfenstine door sound (which is free, btw) or any number of other cliche Foley (read: metallic scraping “ping” sound of a sword being pulled from a leather or fabric scabbard or just lifted of a table), is completely hackneyed and, like the aforementioned Star Wars films, proof of how unoriginal film producing has become. Pathetic.



So, all these big movies have basically ripped off Sheb Wooley….and just to rub it in they don’t even use his name when referring to it.


Bigg Meech said on May 23rd, 2012 at 6:37 pm

Can the Wilhelm scream be female? Because I have heard a similar female scream be used in many movies and TV Shows. My favorite over-used sound effect has to be the screeching cat sound effect. I’ve even got my 5 year old to point it out to me when he hears it. “oooooooohWEEEER-WEEEEEER!!” only way I can describe.

Brianary said on May 23rd, 2012 at 6:58 pm

Does the Amen Break take you out of songs?
Do movie computers that sound like Atari 2600 Pac-Man or old Macintoshes? (Those do for me.)

Just curious.


[…] Check out this article, watch this compilation of Wilhelm screams, and listen to this guy discuss the history of the scream. […]

carl pilkington said on May 23rd, 2012 at 7:26 pm

to be honest, i came here assuming the wilhelm scream was that other, more drawn out meme of a scream.. UURRREEEEEEEYEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhh. (off the top of my head i can only reference the soundbite for the academy in the original starcraft)


Just like there seems to be only one hospital PA message.

“Doctor Blair, Doctor Blair. Doctor J. Hamilton, Doctor J. Hamilton”

Brad Rogers said on May 23rd, 2012 at 9:21 pm

carl, I thought the same. I think that one is much more recognizable, and I was pretty sure that was in the movie too.

Sam Adams said on May 23rd, 2012 at 9:31 pm

Same thing started happening to me about 2 years ago, I’m glad to hear i’m not the only one. It’s pretty annoying.

Herr Clark said on May 23rd, 2012 at 9:35 pm

So I take it you’re not a big fan of French New Wave films?

Not a Cry Baby Movie Fan said on May 23rd, 2012 at 11:28 pm

What a baby, movie sound effects artist use the scream ON PURPOSE. It’s part of history and an inside joke among sound effect artists. If something as lame as a scream ruins a movie for you, go watch the Disney channel. It’s a part of movie history, and should give you a chuckle not ruin a movie.


whenever I hear a Wilhelm Scream I am taken out of the movie experience.

I don’t even know what it sounds like! Haha, sucker!


As somebody who’s deaf, I’ve never had any problem with hearing the same scream soundtrack repeated over and over again. Whenever I’ve seen the captioned note that somebody screams, I always have a different scream depending on the situation or circumstances. I had no idea that pretty much every Hollywood scream sounded the same.


100% right on. This isn’t funny any more. I’ve been wanting to write this exact post since it started appearing in video games.



mav_ian said on May 24th, 2012 at 3:20 am

Is it really that bad? There are thousands of sound effects that get re-used over and over again, I notice some (doors opening, hinges creaking, various electronic noises, etc), but I’m sure I miss heaps more.
For the most part I don’t care that much.


Carl, Wikipedia calls that the Howie scream.

There’s another ubiquitous sound effect from Starcraft, some kind of beep-boop, that I’m trying to think of right now, but I’m drawing a blank. Maybe it was part of an adjutant response?

Dr. Creaux said on May 24th, 2012 at 8:24 am

I agree, they’ve been using the Wilhelm Scream a bit much lately, and this is coming from a guy who uses it as my incoming text ringtone.

Dr. C


As somebody who’s deaf, I’ve never had any problem with hearing the same scream soundtrack repeated over and over again. Whenever I’ve seen the captioned note that somebody screams, I always have a different scream depending on the situation or circumstances. I had no idea that pretty much every Hollywood scream sounded the same.

Well, not every Hollywood scream. Probably not even most of them. It’s just that this one appears in a whole lot of movies. Wikipedia says 225, including TV shows and video games. It appears once in each Star Wars and Indiana Jones movie, but I’ll bet it only appears once in each movie. All these people upthread complaining about MGK pointing it out to them have heard it and probably just didn’t realize they’d heard it more than once. I’d read about it before this, but I don’t think I noticed it in The Avengers or any of the Harry Potter. I can believe it was there and they’ve been overusing it, but it’s far from every single scream in a movie.


what about the dragon screech from warcraft 2. you always hear it in movies involving fire.


While I’m familiar with it as a sound, have read Burtt’s history of it, etc, I honestly never notice it when watching a movie.

Mark Temporis said on May 24th, 2012 at 8:59 pm

The Hospital PA one always gets me mentally going into Queensryche’s “Operation:Mindcrime”. The one I really notice every single time, though, is the DOOM 2 Spawn Cube. That and the BFG/Old BSG Viper launch.


@Doyle: Know just what you mean. It was the effect used for every door opening in Castlevania 64, and as one of the approximately three people who liked that game, I heard it a lot. Now every time I see a creaky door open in movies, a part of me mentally prepares to fight the giant skeletal bull. 🙂

Personally, I didn’t notice the Scream in ‘Avengers’, but I don’t begrudge anyone who did their irritation.


[…] = 'http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js'; s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1); })(); TweetShareEmailDoes hearing the “Wilhelm Scream” pull you out of your movie-watching experience? One blogger’s reaction to hearing the famous sound-effect included in “The […]


Hospital loudspeaker meme I would like to encourage:
Dr. Howard, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine

The female scream is used at least once a week on The Stephanie Miller Show (heard nationwide on progressive radio stations, and simulcast weekday mornings on Current TV)

Just finished the latest Game Of Thrones. Were those Wilhelm parodies? LOTS of them!


I’m glad I don’t know what a Wilhelm scream is

cheetah111 said on October 27th, 2012 at 10:45 am

Well here’s my take on it if anyone cares to read this far down…

I think eventually, most people will start to recognize that scream. It’s so specific, that once I had noticed it, I heard it everywhere.

It is kind of fun to find it but it does remove you from being immersed in the action a bit.

And I’m not sure if the baby laughing is the one I’m thinking of but the one that gets me is that high pitched Gerber Baby cooing sound (ahhh-haaa). That one irks me a bit too. 🙂

cheetah111 said on October 27th, 2012 at 10:47 am

Oh, and I hear that scream in almost every cartoon my son watches too.


I do know of quite a few sound effects.

There`s a low eagle sound I hear in many tv shows. I first heard it on a videogame. Then theres a level up sound from the same game used in a big name commercial.

There is also a turning paper sound I hear alot. I heard it first on transylvania for the N64 in the menus.

A metal creeking noise I also hear quite often repeatedly used was the gate noise in Jet Force Gemini for the N64.

It’s just that the wilhelm can be used a bit better then a gate creeking.


I found this blog by googling, “I Hate The Wilhelm Scream”.

Thank you for posting a blog about what I was thinking. I haven’t seen The Hobbit yet, and I happened to be watching a TV interview with the Lead Art Director who showed a couple clips. And right there, as a goblin fell off a bridge, was that accursed Wil-f*cking-helm-Idiot-scream! I cursed out loud, very violently and more than once as I was reminded that one of my favorite book’s movie adaptation was in effect ruined by that boring old trope.

It really makes me seethe with anger every time I’m ripped out of my suspension of disbelief and firmly planted into “Hey, jerk, you’re watching a movie and none of this is real, sorry about that $13 sucker!”


I have to look at the numbers for last year, but it could be that it’s use is declining http://oliverfrancis.net/2012/02/10/wilhelmscream/


[…] lika förtjusta i Wilhelmskriket som Burtt och hans kollegor. I samband med fjolĂ„rets The Avengers skrev bloggaren MightyGodKing att skriket förtar filmupplevelsen och krossar illusionen. Andra ser […]

pancakes said on March 10th, 2013 at 1:28 am

Truth. I didn’t even know this was a thing until tonight. I just noticed it in yet another movie I was watching, and went searching for annoying re use of common Hollywood screams. when people on the outside of your joke start getting annoyed, it’s time to move on, Hollywood. there’s already a severe shortage of creativity and originality in your industry. there’s no need to pollute perfectly good movies with inside jokes that have long since run their course.


I could not agree more. When a sound guy thinks he’s being cool by adding that immersion-breaking crap for the sake of a shitty in-joke, he’s basically giving out a huge middle finger to every single person on the film crew who is working hard at making the movie an immersive experience to begin with.


Dear sound effects / nerd, seriously grow up. The Wilhelm is no longer funny, let it go, try to get a date, move out of your parents house, and, more importantly, let the Wilhelm Scream finally die. Unless you can’t get a date, move away from your parents, just can’t be original. Even an “in” joke ceases to by funny when it’s overused.

Jnvdtinxtjjf said on August 12th, 2013 at 1:15 pm

It isn’t in any Harry potter movies, so I don’t know what you’re talking about… It definitely isn’t overused, and it’s still a funny inside joke, and after reading all these comments, most people don’t know about it which makes it even better! If you think using the scream means filmmakers are being lazy or uncreative, then think again, because making a movie is so much hard work already, why bother re-using a scream if not for a purpose? And the purpose is to be funny! I don’t see how so many people here have failed to understand this…


Really? You’re watching a movie about a giant green anger monster, a guy in a flying suit of armor, an unthawed WWII super soldier and a Norse god fighting a legion of aliens and it’s the Wilhelm Scream that breaks you suspension of disbelief?


I created some Wilhelm Scream related merchandise. I don’t think it’s overused, yet!


Tired of the scream said on December 2nd, 2013 at 8:58 pm

“Not a Cry Baby Movie Fan” tried to point out that it’s done on purpose but fails to realize that we already know that. The author is trying to explain that it’s just not as hilarious and/or subtle as the sound engineers seem to think that it is.

I’m no movie buff, nor do I do any kind of sound editing; I’m just an average movie watcher, yet even I can clearly recognize this sound effect when it is used. I’ve recognized it for many years and grew tired of it long before I even knew what it was called. Sure, not everyone recognizes it, but please don’t just assume that the general audience won’t notice or care that this sound effect is used and that it will just be your little inside joke.

It’s kind of like inserting a cartoon drawing of Waldo (from “Where’s Waldo?”) into a crowd of real people a live-action movie. If you’re trying to make a ridiculous movie, then maybe something like that would be funny, but if you’re trying to make an action movie, it just doesn’t make sense.

organizm987 said on January 22nd, 2014 at 12:51 am

Yes, I agree 100% for exactly those reason you mentioned, I thought I was alone in this. It’s made even worse when it’s used in suspenseful moments. It’s OKAY in comedy films though but still a sign of laziness.

And yet, sadly there is a die-hard fan base for a scream of all things.


I’m shocked a sound editor would still want to use any part or form of the Wilhelm Scream. Once Family Guy started using it, that should have been the obvious clue that it was time to move on. It stands out like a sore thumb. It ruins the tone of any scene it appears in. And when I hear it in films like Lord Of The Rings I just have to hang my head. Any film that uses it should lose half a star these days. It’s like the sound editors just want to be like every other schmuck before him/her. “Me too! Me too! I want to use it too!” This is not creative. Obviously not original. It is no longer some secret connection to other sound editors. You are cheapening every single production you put it in. How about being the revolutionary sound editor that starts the trend of never using it?! It’s so sad that it would be revolutionary. Don’t try to be slick and alter the scream or use one of the other less-used recordings from the Wilhelm Scream set. Just don’t. Step up and be professionals in your field. Please stop ruining films or any TV show trying to be more serious than Family Guy. Anyone who thinks it isn’t overused just isn’t paying attention. I hear it on nearly every action movie I watch.

Sure there are a few other overly-used samples. For me, the common one of young children laughing and playing stands out. And a couple of the crowd cheering ones. But there is no excuse for the Wilhelm screams. To every sound editor reading this: Every time you want to put in one of these Wilhelm Scream samples I want you to feel dirty. I want you to feel shame. I want you to know that you have now damaged the film you were trying to do a good job with. You make yourself look more amateur and less creative. Less distinctive. Don’t feel like you need to get one under your belt. Just don’t. This is the worst way you can do your job. Whoever is in charge of hiring the sound editor should have a contract that prevents the sound editors from using it. It is an epidemic of awful and someone needs to make a stand.

To those of you just discovering this awful epidemic, it isn’t new. I first read about the scream about ten years ago and it had already been used in hundreds of films. I can’t even imagine how many films have been tainted since then.


We are trying to put an end to it by telling the unknown and true story of his widow… The woman who couldnt watch movies.



You people that never noticed that the Wilhelm scream is in countless movies are fucking idiots! THAT ruined your movie going experience? Thats a little dramitic. Wake up, pay attention!

Whisky13 said on April 23rd, 2014 at 1:40 pm

If this scream “takes you out of the movie” then you are total moron. The Wilhelm Scream is classic & every time I hear it, I consider it a tribute. It also makes me laugh every time I hear it & in no way does it take anything away from the film it’s used in. I could ask a thousand people about the Wilhelm Scream & maybe one in that thousand would know what I was talking about.
Your stupid comments make me wanna say AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHGGGH!


I know it’s a first-world problem par excellence, but I have the same problem with the Wilhelm scream – I’m watching “The Return of The King” that has a high Wilhelm quotient and every time I hear it, it’s annoying, like an in-joke that’s gone beyond the point of being funny. It does “take me out of the movie” when I hear it,I’m thinking of the sound editor smirking to himself about how clever he’s being and wondering how many of his buddies will pick it up, unaware of how many people know exactly what’s going on. Equally I hate the “diddy laugh” (google it) that appears in so many movies, games and TV adverts when children enter the frame. We have the most “first-world problem” of illnesses – sample sensitivity.

The in hell scream said on November 8th, 2015 at 8:57 pm

I fucking HATE the wilhelm scream. When I go to see a movie, I’m there for the experience. I’m there for the emotion that comes from the action, suspense etc.

Watching a movie and then having the wilhelm scream put into it is like trying to hang out with friends and having one of your friends repeat the same joke they thought was SO funny while you guys are in the middle of something serious. But instead of being able to stop hanging out with him or her, you’re stuck with them and their fucking joke.

on top of that, while you’re getting pissed off that they ruin every experience, some asshole has to defend them and then it’s the same vicious cycle all over again.

If you’re one of those people who actually likes this form of “immersion sabotage” and thinks it should be defended, do us all a favour and take a week where you watch movies in your free time and then play the audio of the wilhelm scream on loop for that week. Then come back and tell us you still like it.

No, seriously, for 3 hours a night, watch a movie or two with the wilhelm scream playing repeatedly at the same volume level of the movie.

Bonus: I’m reading about the Wilhelmina scream. Is that the one you hear at the start of the song “Deviance” by Slayer?


I hate the Wilhelm Scream too and I sincerely hope its use ceases completely and PERMANENTLY very soon. I’m very happy to see that its use is currently on the decline. For me, it ruins every movie and T.V. show and game that it’s in (or at least the spot where it occurs). I wouldn’t even be a bit surprised if this stupid sound is in some commercials as well.

I learned what it is by pure chance (extremely bad luck) back on October 20th. It was an automatically suggested YouTube video, so I watched it out of pure curiosity and now I absolutely regret it. Every time I hear it, I am completely disengaged from the movie, T.V. show or game. I absolutely hate it!

I hope that from now on, all we hear are NEW screams that are specifically recorded for the movie, T.V. show or game. I also hope that we don’t see anything like this ever again, whether that’s some sound effect, visual effect or some other recycled thing that’s considered to be an inside joke. This one wasn’t funny and it pissed off the majority of the people who are aware of it, including me. Now I’m MUCH less likely to buy a movie or game or T.V. show series if I learn that it has the Wilhelm Scream in it.


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