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Kate the Short said on October 11th, 2012 at 9:08 pm

I’m pleasantly surprised that neither broke from answering the question to thank the moderator for hosting the debate or any other opening statement. Nice change of pace from usual.

mightybaldking said on October 11th, 2012 at 9:15 pm

Shit eating grid!


Biden looks like he’s going to unhinge his jaw and eat Ryan whole.


I don’t want to sound sexist but I’ll take the risk: I’ll bet both men will mostly follow the moderator’s instructions and not run all over her (like Obama & Romney did to Lehrer) because they don’t want the media story to be about how they bullied her. Because all year the media has been talking about “The Woman Vote.”


Ryan really is a little hothouse flower, isn’t he. He’s not used to follow-ups or push-back.

Kate the Short said on October 11th, 2012 at 9:22 pm

Biden’s basically giggling and trying not to go LOL WHUT at half of everything Ryan says.

Loving the fact that Raddatz is diving back in and cutting them both off as needed.


Biden, dismissing Ryan’s claims: “It’s a bunch of stuff.”


I love Biden’s “My Friend”. He’s using Atony’s strategy from Shakespeare’s Julius Ceasar: “And Brutus is an honorable man”


So, I’m not watching (at work and I don’t think it’s on Australian TV), but is Biden basically just doing what everyone wanted Obama to do in his debate?


Ryan starts off with a claim that Romney’s “a car guy,” then he starts talking about giving presents to kids hurt in a car crash? Gibberish.


I used to work in my state’s recovery office, and this ‘pork’ business pisses me off to no end. Special interests? People in homes are a special interest?


Uh. Wow. Hi Joe, nice to see you!


“My friend” is lawyer talk. Biden was bored with practising law before Ryan was even born.

DistantFred said on October 11th, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Would this debate be improved by Joe Biden power bombing Paul Ryan through a table, then going into a Ric Flair tier “Woo” cycle?


Biden just… Wow. You guys saw that right? He just destroyed Ryan. Can’t recall a debate ever being so obviously one-sided


When Ryan was telling that oh-so-clearly-off-the-cuff story about Romney offering to pay the tuition for the kids of the family that got in the car accident I was yelling at my radio, “HEY WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT IF WE ALL HAD A RICH UNCLE ROMNEY TO PAY FOR OUR CRUSHING COLLEGE DEBT?”

So disappointed Biden didn’t hear me.


MGK, do you really think Ryan got two hours to prepare? It looks like someone just coached him to “sit there and look pretty” (though he mostly just manages “smug”)

Can’t wait to see how the idiots at Faux News spin this into a loss for Biden


If ever there was a living embodiment of the word “twerp” Ryan has transcended it during his closing statement.

Kate the Short said on October 11th, 2012 at 10:34 pm

Steph– no kidding. I almost yelled “MUST BE NICE!” at the tv screen.

MissAmynae said on October 11th, 2012 at 10:35 pm

Thank you for the stellar recap/liveblog/commentary. Ryan’s a prick, but we knew that already.


Ugh CNN is calling a tie. I’m sorry that’s bullshit, that was a landslide for Biden.


So Biden is basically the real version of Luther, Obama’s anger translator from Key & Peele, right?


In the abortion discussion I think Ryan said “life of the mother” which is slightly but importantly different than “health of the mother.”


Adam, yes it is an important detail since lots of things about a pregnancy will adversely affect the health of the mother without killing them outright. Comes so close to essentially saying pro crippling the brood mare.


Unlike Chris Matthews and Andrew Sullivan, Fox pundits won’t freak out about a Romney or Ryan loss. Plus he was just so mean to poor widdle baby Ryan. People will be trying to be “bipartisan” and not go hard n Ryan.

philippos42 said on October 12th, 2012 at 12:55 am

Thanks for this. I didn’t see the actual thing all the way through.


I was thinking pretty close to the same thing about halfway through – “This is where Joe Biden says ‘And now we go to school’ and applies the figure four whilst shouting about foriegn policy”


I know someone who was watching it at the same time I was and insisted that a) Ryan was making some good points and b) that both of them were lying equally.

Never before have I desired so much for my very own killsat.

WalterKovacs said on October 12th, 2012 at 2:57 am

The “tie” argument would be that everyone knew that Joe would win, but they will argue that Paul beat the spread by not crapping his pants, crying like a girl, and claiming he’d pay for his tax cuts by selling the Sesame Street muppets as sex dolls.

Joe is the clear winner by any measure, but the best they can hope for is that the expectation gap was so huge that this was basically what they expected it to be.

As for Fox … they’ll probably end up rationalizing it, and putting the emphasis onto the next Presidential debat. MSNBC rationalized away the first debate (incumbents always lose the first debate, except Clinton, because he’s Clinton) so Fox can easily do the same (Ryan is young and Biden has been doing this all his life, no one really gives a crap about the VP debates, etc).

Still, it’s a good thing that Joe is the Veep. Not only is he able to give the base a nice motivational performance, but his ‘gaffes’ can get shit done, like pushing the Pres to actually get behind gay marriage.

Mitchell Hundred said on October 12th, 2012 at 9:26 am

That was better than last week, that’s for sure. Biden kept taking Ryan to task on his claims, and the moderator kept them both from going off on too many tangents. The two candidates actually engaged each other in a meaningful way, without allowing the discussion to wander onto a multitude of subjects. Good debate all around.

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on October 12th, 2012 at 10:31 am

I like MGK’s account of the debate, and I’m sure it’s accurate (didn’t watch myself), as long as you’re looking at stuff like, y’know, substance.

But everywhere else in the media I’m seeing “it was a tie” because all anyone seems to care about is how the candidates “performed”, and almost not at all for what they actually said… and less than nothing for how what they said does or does not fit with their established track record.

Just like with Romney… he comes out and spouts bullshit, but with energy, so he “wins”. Is that how we should be deciding who “wins” these things?

Yes, presentation is important. But do people really think “Wow, that guy told me the moon is a cube, and clicking our heels together will reduce the deficit, which is total crap, but he said it with such perfect elocution and commanding stage presence, I’m gonna vote for him!”

WalterKovacs said on October 12th, 2012 at 11:27 am

The problem is though, the only people that are going to be swayed by the debates are people who haven’t made up their minds yet … and thus know so little about the candidates that “lies” said during the debates aren’t going to register. And the chance that they’d actually pay attention to the debunking after the fact seems pretty low, considering that, again, they didn’t have a solid opinion going into the debates.


Every time Biden said “my friend,” my brain would flash with one of many instances of early Law & Order where Ben Stone would call someone “Sir.”


“magical elf world”.

Huh. Are you quite sure you just came up with the phrase? If it came to you through some odd and twisted form of internet osmosis, that would be very interesting.

(“magical fairy land” is a favorite ru-net phrase dismissing the thoughts of… well, sheltered left-wing academics in theory, but pretty much anyone more liberal than comrade Goblin in practice. About as popular a phrase as “we’re not in Switzerland” is in Israel”)


^ Err, rather “magical elf land”. My brain is screwing with me, but I assure that’s a more correct translation and one that actually warrants the question asked.


A bit off topic, but I just ran across Chuck Todd in the Charlotte airport. I seriously considered telling him that he should fuck off (I made the mistake of watching Morning Joe this morning), and that he represents the worst of the horse race political media, but I’m trying to get to upstate new York for a friend’s wedding and I’ve already had one flight cancelled and I don’t need the bad karma.


No, Chuck Tood isn’t the worst. I mean he’s bad, has always been bad, and disgraces what was once Tim Russert’s seat with every utterance, but really, he’s just the moon reflecting the traitorous craptitude that is his boss, Brain Williams.


So I was wondering how the Faux News crowd would spin this into a loss for Biden. Now I know. Apparently Biden was being a “bully” who was picking on poor innocent Ryan. They also keep mentioning Biden’s smug grin (no one seemed to notice Ryan’s constant smirk).


Ryan was not smirking, he was projecting credibility to enemies overseas.


Biden totally destroyed Sarah Palin too, and it was amazing watching Fox News pundits go to extraordinary lengths to pretend that Mama Grizzly defeated cranky Old Man Biden.

… basically, it all came down to Palin looking like a naughty librarian in a porn movie vs. Biden’s “gaffes.” But they somehow magically transformed Palin’s stupid answers to simple questions into brilliant rhetoric because she, like, hunts and stuff. So she’s just all the moms at home who love to watch Bill O’Reilly!

My point, I guess, is that Fox News is just Orwellian enough to be really frustrating.


I have a cousin who is fresh out of college and working for Romney’s campaign right now. His facebook comment afterward was about Biden being “less than professional” during the debate. Gave me a good laugh.


And that’s why Biden was picked to run with OBama. He’s the Nicki Minaj to the POTUS’s Drake.


1st Yes until Scott Brown was sworn in and gave the republicans a 41 seats in the senate they did completely have control of the government. The supreme court rarely interjects itself in 99% of most things congress does. Also the health of the mother is a meaningless statement. It’s just used by pro-abortion side as a excuse for widely popular laws since doctors consider just being pregnant in itself a risk to the health of a woman.


It’s “pro-choice” not “pro-abortion.” Just like it’s “pro-life” not “pro-forced-birth.”


Pregnancy and childbirth have health implications that actual pregnant people can’t afford to handwave with, “oh, it’s just what a bunch of fancy doctors say.”

highlyverbal said on October 17th, 2012 at 3:30 am

@Briareos: “It’s just used by pro-abortion side as a excuse for widely popular laws since doctors consider just being pregnant in itself a risk to the health of a woman.”

Before we get too much further, why don’t you just tell us the reasons why you won’t count medical documentation as evidence here. Let’s drill right to the crazy so no one has to pretend you are reasoning your way along. Keeps the thread-jacking to a minimum.


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