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I don’t know about that last point. If you’ve got an entire army, the sea might be a better bet for transportation. For the most part it’s more consistently level than land, and you don’t have to rely on your own strength to pull all the heavy cargo. Traveling by sea is no picnic, but I’d say that going through the mountains is at least as dangerous.
At the tech levels we’re talking about here, launching major seaborne invasions are going to be really hard in comparison to a land-based war. Among other things, the Bokan may simply not have the know-how to build ships of the sort they’d need to both defeat Gundring at sea and safely transport their armies to Gundring.
And even if they did, the expense would be enormous compared to any kind of land campaign. Good ships, the sort of ships you’d want to load your army into or send your navy into battle with, are expensive, resource-intensive things.
Sidebar: the Caliph is the one of those people who is EVERYBODIES father, even of people who he isn’t the literal father of, isn’t it?
Sidebar #2: Assuming this alliance comes off, the most logical way to cement it would be, mmm, a diplomatic marriage of some sort. Such as between the unmarried King of Gundring and the Caliph of al’Rashad’s unmarried daughter.
Kahal may come to regret having saved Alric’s life.
The people here are at about late medieval – early modern technology level. The Gundring ships are oversized Viking longboats, but they have guns. It is very notable that they do not have the towers for archers, typical of Mediterranean medieval warships. Thus, the Gundring really trust their gunnery.
I’d like to note that 17th century navies were capable of significant naval logistics support. The Swedish Army fought many wars in Germany, Poland and the Baltic states completely dependent on its maritime and riverine supply lines to the mainland Sweden. However, such supply was possible then, and now, only if the dominance of sea was uncontested. (The Swedish Navy had uncontested dominum Maris Baltici at the time.)
Of course, even with maritime supply lines for materiel, the food supply of the army took place at the location, i.e by plundering the farms.