Something I have needed to do for some time, so your patience is appreciated.
IMPORTANT: Note that the second question allows for multiple answers.
Something I have needed to do for some time, so your patience is appreciated.
IMPORTANT: Note that the second question allows for multiple answers.
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Been wanting something like this for a bit. I could do with blasting through the earlier issues on my tablet on the train.
The full-color pages would definitely be a big plus, as would the visual design process. But I’m always most interested in creators’ accounts of how the story and characters developed. I know you’ve put a lot of that information on the blog, but collating for a book and maybe adding to parts would be welcome.
I’d like something like a lot of the various Kickstarter comic collections are offering these days – a digital version offered as a stand-alone, or as a bonus to the dead-tree version.
As to the second question, I clicked “something else,” but what I meant to say was: Your question design may elicit a low response rate from the “already going to buy it anyway” demographic, of which I am a member.
True (and thanks) but even if you are already planning to eventually buy the collection, it’s still useful for determining what additional features you’d like to see.
If you could actually provide the bonus content in the style of L’il MGK, I think that would be an excellent idea.
Preferred RPG tie-in of your choice would be amazing, this world is vibrant and very dynamic.
I forgot to check “full color art,” but I think that’s a great value add.
I was actually curious if you were going to be walking around TCAF with flyers for your comic.
Most of the comics I by these days are collections. I buy individual issues ONLY if the likelihood of a trade paperback collection is minimal.
I appreciate when the extra pages are filled with info on how the story evolved, or with interesting (key word, that) info about the world beyond what is presented in the story. An additional short story would fit this nicely.
I never like it when the filler pages (those needed to complete an 8 page signature) are just random figures from the artists sketchbook or (yuck!) pointless “evolution of a page” excuse to include the same damn page three times. Waste of pulp.
Not gonna bother answering the 2nd question because
Any bonus will be sweet so long as it doesn’t drag the release out any longer than necessary.
Fair enough. I’m a maps and encyclopedia pages person myself.
Imagine a “shut up and take my money” gif here.
Ah, it’s so great to be home from my job of doing telephone surveys. I’ll just check my favourite sites, see what’s up and-
Oh. Oh! Oh god! It’s following me wherever I go!
*jumps out nearest window*
I would but it either way, but something that would make me want to buy Al’Rashad even more would be the promise/hope of more comics set in the same universe
As I’ve said before: Al’Rashad: City of Myths is the first book in a trilogy.
Yeah, put me in the maps, encyclopedias, and the opportunity to see parts 2&3 camp.
Sample script and visual design process for me — I’m a sucker for the Making Of… stuff. I was surprised at how popular colour was as a response; it’s working so well in black and white.
I think it looks wonderful in b&w. Color for well-designed pages like these isn’t as big a draw for me as in some other cases. I genuinely like b&w.
I checked everything but color (not counting the write-in).
Honestly, I haven’t read much of it, because I want to sit down and read the whole thing in one go.
I’d suspect that colouring it would be detrimental to the overall effect. Davinder’s shading is spectacular. Don’t mess with it.
I’m not too interested in paying money to get the thing I’ve already read in a different format, but I would totally spend a couple of bucks to get a six-page story set in the world, if I could get it digitally.
I did not select “colour” as an add in, but that’s mostly because I think Davinder’s art stands well enough on it’s own that I don’t feel anything would be lost by not colourizing it.
It’s a bit of a moot point, though, as I think most everyone participating in this poll is probably up for buying it regardless.
I would buy a softcover collection, I don’t care about color or extras.
This isn’t even tangentially related, but on a scale of 1-to getting to write Doctor Strange, how awesome do you feel about the Rob Ford crack thing?
Yeah, adding my voice to the “going to buy it anyway” choir. I’d prefer to own a softcover paper version that I can read in the bath, obviously.