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As always, you can also go to the dedicated Al’Rashad site.
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“ORITE, my dead dad the Sultan.” {forehead.kiss}
Why does Fezay get a shroud where Jandal does not? I’m sure we’ll find out, but it seems like an odd choice.
Because rituals like these are for the living rather than the dead. Apali and Kahal needed to see Fezay shrouded. Rayana – most affected by Jandal’s death – doesn’t.
She’s easily the emotionally toughest person of them all.
I hate to debate the Author’s opinion on why things happen in the comic, but I would still add something (Death of the Author and everything…)
It seems somehow appropriate to leave the dead Caliph to sit on his throne. Rayana, who is the only one entitled to sit on it besides him, is not going to take that seat for a while, so leaving Jandal seated on the throne seems respectful. When courtiers arrive, they will find the Caliph on his throne as a Caliph, not shrouded on the floor like an everyman.