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As transitions go, that one was pretty abrupt.
And a couple of weeks ago, I was calling for a deus ex machina (a god out of a machine). Now we got a principessa in machinam (a princess into a machine). 🙂
Good for me.
I certainly wasn’t expecting that.
Bonus points for getting me to look up “Arecibo Observatory” with the author byline. Learning is fun-damental.
I detect one flaw in the Califa’s logic: Dalakhra undoubtedly knows about the Tower, and has something ready to counter it. We know he’s good at getting his undead minions into all sorts of places (sewers, tunnels, etc.), and this place might very well be the reason why he became so adept. Besides, I have a strong feeling that Dalakhra’s army is already present. We know that there are armed camps outside the city, after all.