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Will "scifantasy" Frank said on December 2nd, 2015 at 2:23 pm

It’s interesting to see a strongly positive review of the game; the gang at The Dice Tower were very positive on the game before Essen, but afterward, reported nothing but disappointment. Reading your review, I wonder if they had a skewed expectation by the concept, and ended up disappointed by the execution, whereas you nailed the right amount of expectation of what the modular design meant and could appreciate the achievement (and probably have a higher tolerance for Eurogames that are low on theme than the TDT gang).


It should be 9*8*7/3! = 84, though.

Steve from the internets said on December 2nd, 2015 at 7:55 pm

I was at Spiel, a friend bought this and we played one of the games. It was all right, but as you say it felt a little dry. I came away more impressed with it as a successfully-realised concept than as a game.

Did you buy any tiny wee games such as Maskmen, or small ones like Taste of Poland, that fit easily in your luggage?


Whoops, my mistake, misunderstood. 504 is indeed the correct number.


Is it $83 (USD) of awesome? I ask because that is the current price on Amazon with Prime shipping.


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