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steve, from the internet said on July 3rd, 2013 at 4:27 am

I read an excerpt from this ages ago and was intrigued, then promptly forgot about it. After the reminder and the good review I’ll go and buy it before I forget again.

Andre Barakat said on July 3rd, 2013 at 5:47 pm

Welp. Looks like I’m buying this, because it sounds AWESOME.


I picked it up a few months ago, pretty much entirely on the strength of an interview where Cornell said he wanted to see how far he could get into the novel without using the word ‘magic.’

He went the distance. It’s an awesome read.


“Oi, you with the horns! Get in the van, you’re nicked!”

Part of what I love about this book (aside from how GODDAMN CREEPY the villain was) was the way everybody absolutely refused to treat magic with awe or respect. Don’t know what the hell is going on? Stick to police work and treat it like a murder case. With a bit of “Life On Mars” -era police head-cracking for flavor.


Thanks very much! Very pleased at how well the book’s been received. The sequel, The Severed Streets, is out in the UK in December. Cheers.


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