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Mitchell Hundred said on October 31st, 2011 at 11:49 pm

Wow, they did not give a lot of thought to these lyrics, did they? Half of these lines don’t rhyme with each other, and the other half only rhyme because they use the same word to end both lines.


I want to know what Coffee Crisps are.

Also, regarding the fun sized tootsie pops, that would destroy the halloween economy! Everyone knows that one of the fun sized candybars is equal to 2 tootsie pops (maybe more depending on supply and demand) or 3 generic suckers. This is like introducing deci-pennies to the market. They’d be worth next to nothing.


Why is “fun-size” so small? Is there an international standard for how big candy can get before it isn’t fun anymore?


It’s Tootsie Pops. Who cares, they’re the crappy filler candy you eat last anyway.

Ed (Jack Norris) said on November 1st, 2011 at 6:19 pm

“I want to know what Coffee Crisps are.”

A perennial favourite chocolate bar up here in Canada; basically a chocolate-covered layered-wafer type bar where the cream stuff between the wafers is a mild, sweet coffee flavour.
Probably the first taste of coffee flavour for generations of Canadian kids, and, as the posts says, one of the more welcome things to find in fun-size in one’s Halloween bag at the end of the night.*


*Also, one bar whose “fun-size” version isn’t quite the total joke that, say, Snickers has become.

Eric S. Smith said on November 1st, 2011 at 8:57 pm

Bah, rhymes are overrated.


sWhaaaaaaaaa??? Fun size tootsie pop are only an improvement. Regular tootsie pops were TOO BIG.

To the person who doesn’t know what Coffee Crisp is: I feel so sorry for you.

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on November 2nd, 2011 at 9:14 am

“Only in Canada, eh? …Pity.”

yay us (the pronoun not the country abbreviation, at least in this specific case, wow I’ve kind of gone and ruined the whole point of being so pithy there, huh. dammit)!

Mark Temporis said on November 6th, 2011 at 11:26 pm

Yeah, I was expecting (and could think of) better rhymes which matched the beats. Considering my complete ignorance of all things music, that’s not good.

Ian McKellen dancing was the best thing about it. Puts me in mind of “Weapon of Choice”, which Walken did simply because he’s a great dancer and rarely gets parts that show it.


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