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Metafilter underestimates Marvel’s capacity for suck. Marvel will screw up worse in the future and you, MGK, will rise again (if you can find the time, that is).


I say boo to this as well. You do great work, and I can only hope that my meandering crap can rise to your level.



Ow indeed, until you consider the source.


I check your blog out on pretty much a daily basis. I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I enjoyed your Civil War, your Improved Archie, your “Why I Should Write the Legion,” etc.

I disagree with the critic.


Utter piffle.

Galamb_borong said on March 10th, 2008 at 3:47 pm

Well… taken as an individual post I’d say it might be the best post you’ve ever blogged, but collectively I’ve gotten more enjoyment from your blog in general. *sigh* Though I do really miss Improved_Archie…


I miss IA immensely (I still wear my “Popcorn Motherfucker!” shirt with pride) and others may disagree, but while I loved Civil War(t), I got more laughs per capita from “Brand New… Gay?”

Sam Rauch said on March 10th, 2008 at 5:03 pm

In my opinion, the Civil War parody, good as it is, doesn’t have a cinch on most of what you put out regularly. I still smile when I think about the CS Lewis/Tolkien bit.


Bitsy’s right. XQUZYPHYR is August J. Pollak, who’s a pretty well-regarded cartoonist in his own right. I read that comment as a compliment, really. And it’s also clear that he’s read your site.


Come on, Bird, you of all people know how great the Internet is for spouting off.[/humor, humor, no offense]. Murphy’s Law for the Internet is that any topic will have a detractor online. I read your blog for the politics & sociology anymore, so the rest is just icing and I’m rarely disappointed by the humor. Your posts where a studio exec and some sycophants match wits with a bewildered guy are the ones I forward the most, so I wouldn’t let this get you down.

Also, I’m not a fan of Dave Chappelle, but if this person thinks the height of Chappelle’s comedy has been “I’m Rick James, bitch,” and is implying (if he/she is) that the rest of Chappelle’s work is tainted by not being as funny as that, I think Chappelle would feel differently (and content with his work).

Cookie McCool said on March 10th, 2008 at 7:03 pm

I don’t know. Captain America was EXTRA awesome in your Civil War. It kind of made me fall in love with him all over again.


I found you through the Civil War post on metafilter, and now I check your blog daily. Any opinion on mefi must be taken with several grains of salt; there are people on there who are diametrically opposed to any position you could put forth. I’ve seen them bash kittens.


*adds her own vehement assurances of your worth and talent, though she’s sure that whatever she could say has already been said a dozen times*

And I also found you through the Civil War thing, which I am eternally grateful for. . .

GoatToucher said on March 10th, 2008 at 7:59 pm

“They thought they’d see Aeneas!”

Citizens Demand Improved_Archie

GoatToucher said on March 10th, 2008 at 8:00 pm

(“Popcorn, Motherfucker” made me laugh uncontrolably for about five straight minutes.)


I too found you through the Civil War parody. But by no means is it the end for you. It was good, of that there is no doubt. But the idea you can’t (or haven’t) done better is silly.
Be not discouraged blogger.


Um, if that was your Rick James moment, that means it’s your ‘Superfreak’.

Which means you’ll be making a living off it 30 years from now before you die from some kind of drug induced heart attack.

You could do worse! Try to die on a pile of hookers though…


Just so everybody knows, that’s a totally DIFFERENT MGK right there.



Well, the Civil War thing was what made me follow you here from LJ, but in my opinion the best one yet was the Death of the New Gods one. Damn, Barda’s death made me actually cry there…


I thought that your Civil War stuff was very Stalin-esque, but that things you’ve done on this blog like your series on the Legion of Superheroes reached above that to Kim Jong-il levels, with occasionally Hitler moments.


Coming back for seconds on this one…

“Popcorn motherfucker!” made me laugh so hard that my vision started to go dark around the edges. I was laughing so hard that I was literally dying… That’s power there. And even though you didn’t post that particular entry, it would never have been without you.

Oh, and I’ve never cared for LoS (not for any particular reason, just never got into that pool), but your ideas for it just the kind of crazy I’d need to pick it up.


Actually, I preferred your Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Asterix The Gaul. Damned near ruptured something laughing at that.

(But maybe I’m just saying that because I actually liked Civil War, freak of nature that I am.)


Is there an archive of the Asterix posts anywhere? 🙁


Just wanted to chime in and saw that I also enjoy your stuff. Especially you version of Death of the New Gods #1. That was brilliantly written.


Wait, wait – the “Rick James” comment is about the artist himself? That he only had one good moment in his career? The man was a pop-funk icon, not some one hit wonder. That’s bullshit.


I think the “Rick James” moment refers to the now classic Chappelle’s show sketch…you know the one that goes “I’m Rick James…” that everyone and their mom tossed off at the drop of a hat for about 9 months…

Ken Raining said on March 11th, 2008 at 3:56 pm

Actually, I think your liveblogging of the last Harry Potter book is my favorite thing here. Am I the only one?


A tangent on Chappelle: Am I the only one who thought his best sketch was the Clayton Bigsby mockumentary, a character he reprised on Inside the Actors’ Studio? From the first episode. Perhaps his next funniest moment was the stand-up routine about the ingredients of grape drink. Hell, even the Red Balls ad was as memorable as Charlie Murphy’s story about Rick James.

And yes, MGK has measured up to the high bar set by I Don’t Need Your Civil War. (I am also one of those weirdos who liked the original, Katherine.)


I’m pretty sure that was meant as a compliment. It was more like, “that was so damn awesome, it overshadows all the other great stuff he’s done.” Because Chappelle has done a lot more funny shit than just Rick James, but that’s not how history will remember him. And that’s a shame.

That’s how I read it.


I’m with Ken; that Harry Potter thing is my favorite part. I’m actually probably one of the few people who read for non-comics posts.


Oh my gosh, the Harry Potter thing was brilliant. I’ve re-read it several times and totally love it. (Of course now I can never enjoy the actual books again. . .but I never really did anyway.) Death of New Gods too. And the “Why i Should Write LoS” stuff. And, just to be random, I’m going to have to say that I also love the blogs about fruit juice.

Just some random dude whose been reading said on March 13th, 2008 at 1:16 am


the civil war thing brought me here, but theres a lot of other amazing things that kept me.


Hi, this is August, I only saw this comment now because someone on MeFi just e-mailed me.

What I meant was exactly as N@ described. My definition of a “Rick James moment” is any product from an artist that is so widely popular (but deservedly so) for its sheer quality that it literally shadows any other work the artist has done regardless of said other work’s quality, i.e. Dave Chappelle’s “Rick James” sketch.

Apologies for the confusion and possibly hurting your feelings. Thank you to everyone else for not taking the incredibly easy way out by mentioning how terrible my own comics are.


And yes, I am a long-time and huge fan of the site, so I feel roughly about the same right now as I would having, say, accidentally run over Barack Obama with my car.


Ugh. By “this is August” I meant of course this is XQUZYPHYR. Obviously it’s August, it says so right there.


XQUZYPHYR, how can we take you seriously when you don’t know what month it is? Jeez 😉

Just some random dude whose been reading said on March 14th, 2008 at 1:30 am

Adam, he’s from the future. The distant future of 5 months from now, where they’ve developed a time machine capable of sending humans back to a general period in time.

In said future, Mightygodking eventually breaks down trying to recreate the incredible success he attained with the Civil War parody and burns himself out.

Incidentally the website Mightygodking.com is shut down. Forever.

XQUZYPHYR, feeling horrible about this, takes the time traveling oppertunity to make things right.


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