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Sidney O said on March 8th, 2016 at 2:38 pm

It was funny to see the chess players get increasingly angrier during the Benchwork detour, especially when teams were redoing it.


I wonder whether the chess players were a plant, as there were other benches right there they could easily have moved to to get away from the crazy Americans.

Also, I read on previously.tv that the models later claimed that they only had U.S. money and needed to change some to buy tickets for the next leg, and were sauntering because they’d already missed the train, despite what the Amazing Editors would have us think. Plausible, but possibly still poor racing on their part to be the only team to not have any local currency at that point of the leg.

Brodie’s comment about having not seen some teams since Leg 1, combined with the number of times teams don’t know who’s been eliminated until they meet teams on the race the next day, combined with the pit stops obviously often not being 12 hours, makes me wonder if they’ve dropped the “eat, sleep, mingle” aspect of pit stops, so that the teams are usually kept separated during pit stops.


Aardy . . . I think the producers stopped ESM when teams were getting too cozy with each other, in TAR14, I think. Eventually, they did away with the twelve-hour rest period, and the teams are staggered when the producers want them running.


I’ve heard people suggest the chess players were a plant; it’s probably unanswerable. I kind of lean towards them just being stubborn and passive aggressive to the foreign reality show people who were interrupting their nice game of chess. 🙂


I don’t know about a plant, but I’d bet real money that somebody on staff told them the loons with the papers were filming and were probably going to be an all day thing. Nobody involved in the race wants to tork off the locals.


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