Via Jaime, proof of both Betty’s delusional character and the fact that Jughead is aware of how deadly she is:

That would be Betty, imagining Jughead to be Archie, and trying to fuck-strangle him to death.
Via Jaime, proof of both Betty’s delusional character and the fact that Jughead is aware of how deadly she is:
That would be Betty, imagining Jughead to be Archie, and trying to fuck-strangle him to death.
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26 users responded in this post
She’s crazy! Crazy, I tell you!
Sure Betty’s crazy enough. But still. Very hot…
How did Betty get within 10 feet of Jughead like that? After all, Jughead carries with him antidotes to Betty’s toxins within the pins stuck to his crown. He’s got Archie Rescue Gear ™ in his car trunk. His awareness of Betty’s psychosis approaches meta levels. And yet she’s still able to attack him thinking he’s somehow Archie.
The bad news is that the blow-dart Jughead needs to stop Betty’s rampage is in the heel of the shoe Betty just ‘conveniently’ knocked away. She knows.
“Darn” the torpedoes? What, like knitting?
Betty Cooper will become the next Jigsaw.
I’d rather have Betty, than the Digital bitch Ronnie. (Now there is an “80’s”
So do you think Jughead has this white knight fantasy is his head wherein he saves Archie from the vicious claws of Betty, scoops Arc up in his arms and they live happily ever after?
Hooch vs Betty Cooper.
Who wins?
… What, it’s not one of those comic fight questions?
Would you look at the language here?
To grab the brass ring on a merry-go-round you have to stick your fingers in the hole and hang on tight. “Up to the hilt” is a reference to stabbing someone with a sword up to the hilt. Torpedoes? Ramming speed?
This is the speech of a serial rapist. Now that previous Archie/Betty bondage scene makes more sense. Betty more than likely has a collection of strap-on dildos of various sizes and shapes – from transparent plastic to spiked and razor sharp.
Woe to any man who she captures, because its obvious no safeword will ever save him once Betty is fully engrossed in one of her violent rape-fantasies.
This may explain why there are no other red-headed males living in Riverdale… at least not anymore.
Run, Jughead!! Run!! Run until your ankles are bloody stumps!
So maybe Betty thought David Carradine was Archie too?
Too soon?
At the risk of summoning a do-over of the Internet’s 14th stupidest fight (you may think it’s a low number but seriously, the Internet is THAT stupid):
bitch is CRAZY
Apparently Jughead is friends with the Little Rascals.
addition to my earlier request: BETTY AND REX slash fiction.
@Jeffrey – It’s a reference to US Admiral David Farragut, a navy officer during the American Civil War. At the battle of Mobile Bay, he was warned by his crew that mines (called ‘torpedoes’ back then) were strewn about the harbour, and that an attack may prove costly. That’s when he delivered his now famous line: “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”
I think this is from earlier on, before Jughead’s realized she’s more than a little lovesick. Hell, this could be the event that LED to the truck full of gear. As he lay in the hospital, recovering from cracked ribs, a bruised trachea and numerous scratches and bite-marks, he had nothing but time. Time to finally put the pieces together in his head.
Also, I don’t think he’s gay for Archie. Jughead IS homosexual, which is why he’s the only male in town not turned into a blithering moron by the likes of Betty and Veronica.
Yes, but darning has to do with knitting, Holmes….
I don’t think Jughead is homosexual. He’s just annoyed by his options.
Plus Jughead feels like he’s the only one who can see how sick Betty Cooper is, so he really doesn’t have time for any kind of romantic distraction as long as she’s still on the loose.
@Mad Scientist – or it’s a curse word that you can slip into Archie comics.
Where the fuck does his sock go in Panel 2?
No other red headed males? Why yes there is.. Cheryl’s twin brother, Jason. He and Betty have actually dated.
@Paul Wilson,
That sock was where the blow-dart was stored. Betty destroyed it.
Jason Blossom lives in Pembrooke and most likely within a gated community – which is most likely why he is still breathing and not sharing a shallow grave with some other anonymous Riverdale redhead.
MGK, This is the most fascinating series of articles you do. If you wrote a dissertation on this subject, I would buy it in a flash. Fascinating. But what about Veronica? Isn’t she just a dominatrix? Or maybe a secret submissive???
So, did they ever try a “Jughead The Woman Hater” spinoff title? Because that doesn’t sound like it has LESS potential than your typical Archie comic.
IF I had Betty chasing me, wouldn’t catch me running away .. The next comic frame would have a censor bar in front …