This week, we feature refreshing kiwi juice. Kiwifruit (never just “kiwi”, as that is either a flightless bird or a New Zealander or both) are extremely rich in vitamin C, as well as having a great deal of vitamin A and E, a decent amount of potassium (nearly as much as a banana, by weight), and lots of flavinoid antioxidants. However, were you aware that the kiwifruit is native to China?
Important moments in recent kiwifruit history include:
– 1917. Five-year-old Harold “Kim” Philby drinks his first glass of kiwi juice.
– 1940. Ethel Rosenberg, looking for a delicious and healthy dessert for herself and her husband, purchases a small container of kiwi juice to serve alongside a small pineapple upside-down cake. The Rosenbergs greatly enjoy the juice, and fatefully decide to purchase more.
– 1959. The Great Leap Forward begins to fail dramatically, not least because of Lysenkoist planting techniques wherein plants were placed closer together than was healthy in the name of “solidarity.” The sole plant to flourish (although this was later covered up) – the kiwifruit. Indeed, the proliferation of kiwifruit would prove invaluable to Mao when advancing the Cultural Revolution a decade later, as he plied exhausted Chinese nationals with kiwi juice to whip them into socialistic fervour.
– 1968. Chinese spies plant fields of kiwifruit in North Vietnam and Cambodia. In response, Richard Nixon orders secret bombing runs against Cambodia in the hopes of destroying the Red-creating kiwi fields, to no avail. The United States abandons Vietnam within seven years, not least because of the proliferation of North Vietnamese juice bars.
– 1993. Boris Yeltsin, offered a tall glass of kiwi juice, spikes it with vodka at a ratio of 2 parts vodka to 1 part kiwi juice. The Red ideals of the kiwifruit are destroyed by the clear potato-based alcohol favored by Russian politicians and drunkards and drunkard politicians, and the final fall of the Soviet Socialist Republics begins.
In conclusion: Savor the delicious, healthy sweetness of kiwi juice at your own ideological peril.
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5 users responded in this post
Kiwi(fruit) juice looks so delicious. Why do I have the feeling that it would be tart and awful, though? Hrmm. Green is an appealing juice colour for me.
Communism is tasty.
That it is.
I like to bite through the kiwi skin, devour the delicious central fruit, eat the remainder of the skin, and throw away the tips.
Communists: Govern bad, taste great!
Mmm, delicious. I just ate a delicious, organic New Zealand kiwifruit with my lunch and now I want another. Oh yes, and I’ll be voting Green at the next election, preferences to Labour. Personally, I blame New Zealand.
I eat my kiwifruit with the skin. Like an apple. Skinning it wastes time. I am always eager to get to the yummy goodness that is kiwifruit.