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I am at a loss as to whether the HAs are simple elation, or if I ever said something about James Robinson or Superman and have now, much later on, been disproven by this turn of events.

I mean, I like James Robinson’s stuff, mostly…


I shall call him “Squishy” and he shall be mine, and he shall be my squishy.



I saw the bit on the box jellyfish on the National Geographic channel about a month ago and had one of those “Well, fuck.” moments. I have no desire to ever spend any time in the ocean as it is, and those things are still terrifying.


Now I want a horror movie: Shark vs. Jellyfish. C’mon, Hollywood, get crackin’!

Bizarro #98 said on February 10th, 2008 at 5:10 pm

It was my petty hope that the collaboration of Robinson (a writer you have previously claimed to greatly enjoy) and Johns (a writer you have previously claimed to utterly despise) on the Superman titles would make you feel conflicted and disillusioned. Robinson pretty much does nothing except praise Johns throughout the entire interview linked above.

Of course, I’m being silly about it. I haven’t had any contact with you since we used to argue on that card site that neither of us has visited for half a year. For all I know, you’ve warmed up to Johns since then, or stopped liking Robinson as much as you used to, or changed your mind in any number of other ways that would make this story mean little to you.

But just in case, I decided to find your website (you apparently got booted off Livejournal at some point) to rub it in. And while I’m at it, another of your old favorites, Grant Morrison, will also be collaborating with Johns in the near future.


Great seeing you again, by the way!


I’ve warmed up to Johns over the last year thanks to “Sinestro Corps War” being quite fun, and his work on Action Comics being pretty good. Justice Society of America impresses me less, but it’s perfectly tolerable. Basically he’s toned down a lot of his worst tics (needlessly gory character death, legacy heroes as a point in and of themselves, Hal Jordan as sexy demigod, et cetera) and written some solidly entertaining (if not genre-defining) comics. It’s also become much more evident over the last year that a lot of things that bothered me about Johns’ work were obviously editorial dictates.

There are worse writers by far right now. Johns isn’t revolutionary or brilliant, but not everybody needs to be, and he’s doing what he should be doing: perfectly good work on mostly second-tier titles.

Bizarro #98 said on February 10th, 2008 at 5:46 pm

Fair enough.

Though I still disagree with you that his needless, gory character deaths are a bad thing. One of my favorite moments from his recent work is when Bizarro Doomsday tore no less than four Bizarro Supermen limb from limb with a dumbfounded Superman and Jonathan Kent observing.


Dude… Jellyfish have FOUR brains??? So THAT’s where the brains of the Starfish (they’re litteraly all stomach, no brain) went….


Four brains sounds impressive. But lets all consider whats going through those brains at any given time.
“Food. Get the Food. Wheres the Food? There’s the Food.”
Now if it were able to walk on land or get into my drinking water I’d be concerned. As it happens to be, I never go to the beach, I certainly don’t go into the water, and I don’t eat seafood, so I’m not really concerned with the increase in jellyness.


Seriously? The only solution here is to dump Green Peace, PETA, and other such groups into the ocean they so dearly love until one of them does not die. Then we can reverse engineer their immunity to the benefit of the rest of humankind. Or learn some way to eat those whales that are overeating fish. Or dolphins, with their delicious, delicious mercury.


I just got tricked into reading a whole article about Superman because I’d hoped it had something to do with jellyfish.

I feel violated.

Cookie McCool said on February 11th, 2008 at 1:40 pm

Four brains. That’s not even fair.


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