IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Political disagreements aside, he was a hell of an actor and made some awesome movies, so godspeed to him.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Political disagreements aside, he was a hell of an actor and made some awesome movies, so godspeed to him.
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
-- Popcrunch.com
"By MightyGodKing, we mean sexiest blog in western civilization."
-- Jenn
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Concurred. *toasts*
He had some awesome roles that he overacted in, but he wasn’t that great of an actor.
Yeah, I guess he was okay in Tombstone.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go over to his house to take that gun out of his hands.
If Moses were alive today, and keep in mind, that I -AM- Moses, he would say proclaim “Thou Shalt Gun.”
Yeah, Solyent Green joke! Even better than Planet of the Apes reference!
In respectful memory, his greatest work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1kqqMXWEFs
Omega Man remains the second most faithful adaptation of “I am Legend”, only behind the Vincent Price version. He will be missed.
p.s. I call dibs on his guns.
His very minor role in Branagh’s Hamlet as the Player King was fantastic.
I feel compelled to mention Mark Evanier has the two greatest Heston I’ve ever heard anecdotes posted on his website, the first because it’s so pleasant, the second because it’s absurd.
The man was all class.
I wouldn’t consider a guy who rallies an NRA meeting right in the same town the week after a tragic school shooting to be “classy”.
And what would you do?
The NRA was legally obligated to hold a voting meeting, due to its non-profit corporation status. By law all voting members must be informed of a change of venue at least 10 days before the meeting. Columbine occured 11 days prior. Can you re-book the location of a 50,000 person conference and deliver the flyers in a single day?
NRA events not related to voting were cancelled, but the legal obligation remained.