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6.) “Don’t look behind Door Number Two, Monty! It’s time to play ‘End of the Line, My Valentine!’ A-joo-ron-ron-ronnie, ron-ron-ronnie-mo!”

Eric Idle as Wreck-Gar in Transformers: The Movie. (If you did not guess this one, turn in your nerd badge.)

Even voiced by Eric Idle, Wreck-Gar was, for me, far and beyond the absolute worst thing about Transformers: The Movie, and one of the worst Transformer-related ideas until the whole headmasters/enginemasters/gunmasters/beast-shells fiasco came down the pipe. If I could have fast-forwarded over every scene where Wreck-Gar was even mentioned when I originally saw it (on TV, back before we owned a VCR, unfortunately) I would have. And I still reflexively wince every time some TF fan quotes him and expects everyone to get the reference, like TF:tM was freaking Shakespeare spouting universal truths. He’s the Poochie of the TF universe. When it comes to robots going nuts living nearly alone in a planet-wide junkyard, give me Wall-E any day of the week–and I haven’t even seen Wall-E yet.

I guess that’s it for my nerd badge, but we don’t need no stinking badges anway.

vonDread said on July 13th, 2008 at 11:13 am

BOOO!!!! Shame on you MGK. I got the one from Once Upon a Time in the West, if you’ll check the comments from the initial thread. 😛


Completely unrelated:

Back in the days when you were on LJ you (I think it was you) put together a WONDERFUL version of Sally Floyd and Captain America’s last interview that read so much better then this thing.

It doesn’t seem to be in your archive here, though. Did it get lost when you left LJ?

(Yes, I *so* want a copy of it!)


Hey, I got Jason Robards in Once Upon a Time in the West.

Damn. Now I feel like a well-diced hepatic organ.


I hated the anime kids from Robots in Disguise and Transformers: Energon. They were more retarded than Spike, Spike’s dad, token girl, and cripple boy. Wreck-Gar at least had the decency to be restricted mostly to the movie, instead of every single fucking episode.


As far as I’m concerned, G1 Transformers and the related TV show and comic books are the only Transformers. Everything else is just a bad pipe dream that’s best ignored.

So worst idea of its time, perhaps, but definitely not the worst travesty that was inflicted upon the franchise.


beast wars was great. you guys are crazy.


for the record, i haven’t seen transformers: the movie in forever, and i was a bit too young for it in theaters, so it doesn’t have quite the level of impact for me. i’d turn in my nerd badge, but i still buy transformers toys at 27, so i don’t think that’s going to fly.

i did catch the line from harvey, but i forgot to say anything.


I’m crazy how, exactly? Should I enjoy the kids in RID, Energon, etc.?


Thank you Sage! And MGK, of course!

(I need a “Cap was right” shirt…)

Captain Ultra said on July 14th, 2008 at 9:07 pm

So, wait, what’s the deal with the Cars thing? Was that actually in the movie, cause I don’t remember it, even though I watched once a day for a week when I had to babysit my godson.


‘Should I enjoy the kids in RID, Energon, etc.?’

i was mostly referring to the ‘everything after g1 is rubbish’ sentiment from the other guy. i never watched rid or armada / energon / cybertron because they felt too ‘kids are dumb and so is this show’.

but beast wars was fantastic. strong characters and real character development, smart writing, good animation, an excellent voice cast. it expanded the transformers mythos in interesting ways without simply rehashing the best elements of what had come before (unicron again and again and again!) while also throwing back plenty of nods to classic material where appropriate.

the season two finale when ravage showed up was solid gold.


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