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Dude, that was totally awesome! I laughed aloud, like, through the whole time. I loved the previous-girls-he’d-cooked-for bit, with the whole spontaneous combustion platter, and then the Kate stain was perfect. The way 2008 you sees it shouldn’t take away from what, say, 2003 (?) you made (no idea when you did it, and if it was dated, I missed it).

I know what you mean about looking back on stuff, though. I’ve had that experience to some degree with my collection. Rather than analyze all the ways it could be better, though, I try to view it as a record, and remember that if I want to revisit those stories I have to do so in new, different ways. There’s an old Internet drawn-graph that maps incremental changes one can make versus where one needs to be that shows a distinct disconnect to note the point where you have to do something major to break out of previous patterns and grow. That’s usually how I look at it; sometimes the best way to grow, as a writer or filmmaker or anything, really, is to finish what you’re doing, accept that it may be flawed but still functions, and start something new. That there are flaws doesn’t negate the achievement.

Anyway, yeah: nicely conceived, nicely executed. Well done, sir.


I know what you mean on looking back at what you’ve made awhile ago, but I thought that was really pretty funny. Good job. The fire worked out pretty well! I had a pretty disastrous time flambeing something once. Luckily I think eyebrows AND lashes were in tact so I think it worked out all right.


Absolutely hilarious. I’ve got to agree with Mr. Entrekin, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about this. Hell, I’d like to see MORE like this!


I thought the ending was really creepy. I realize it was supposed to be sweet, but it just didn’t come off that way. It was like watching a bad porno and shutting it off before the actors get naked.

Sorry, I just had to cancel out all this blind praise it’s getting.


Not bad, but as you said, it could be so much better. The script is nice (although the ending seems unrelated to the rest), and so is the technique; but the acting is not so good.
Good to see you did it, though. Lot of people just keep dreaming of doing something and never do.


karellan: See, that’s what I think. On the page it seemed okay, but in person it came off – maybe not creepy, but definitely sketchy. Maybe if we had time to do reshoots it would have worked better with a few more takes, but that was the last shot of the entire film and we were shooting at 3 AM at that point and I just said “fuck it” and told everybody to go home and sleep.


I must concur that the writing is better than the other aspects. You’ve got a good LoSH career ahead of you.


MGK: Yeah, maybe “creepy” isn’t the right word. The rest seems OK for what it is, which is a student video with more clever ideas than skill, but that ending… it’s almost like a leftover scrap from a different short that got accidentally edited onto this one. It went from slapstick/silly to romantic comedy hell in the blink of an eye. A scene scripted like that needs to be genuine, but the rest of the piece isn’t genuine by any stretch of the imagination.


@karellan: I wasn’t offering “blind praise.” Sure, the ending’s flawed. Some of the acting is a bit stilted/forced.

Doesn’t mean I didn’t laugh aloud several times, nor that I think it ain’t solid.

I’d go with recasting/rewriting Julie all together. And I like the porno idea, which is what I think I’d push. So much of it is kind of over-the-top slapstick; I’d cut it with a bow-bow-chicka-bow guitar riff. Like a porn without the porn.

“I tried to cook. It was a disaster.”
unbuttoning shirt “You thought I came for the food?”

Cut to black.


We need more student directed porn!


Let’s do it again!

Lister Sage said on August 28th, 2008 at 8:47 am

It’s just a jump to the left…


Oh my god, the memories. The film! The apartment on Dovercourt! Jonny! I want to watch this over and over.


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