I still hate Twitter (and boy do I especially hate Loudtwitter collection posts). But people have asked/suggested that I set it up so that posts here are forwarded to a Twitter account (what I have set up), and I am nothing if not willing to make the site more accessible to my readership.
So now post announcements will be Twittered. Rest assured I will not use Twitter for anything else.
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4 users responded in this post
Conform! Conform!
So what about that prank call that Palin got from the Quebec version of the Jerky Boys?
Which has nothing to do with Twitter, but I haven’t seen a political post since your site was brought back from the dead. 🙂
Warren Ellis uses twitter.
don’t you want to be cool like Warren Ellis?
Some Loudtwitter posts I can handle — when they’re collecting fewer than ten Twitters or so. But when they’re scroll-the-page long and most of them are replies to people whose Twitters aren’t public, it’s like someone standing next to you talking loudly on their cell phone. It can be done right — just typically isn’t.