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Requests, eh?

I wonder if you wouldn’t mind sharing with us your thoughts on the show Heroes (or at least mock it, your choice).

Heksefatter said on December 6th, 2008 at 11:34 am

I’ve voted for me, urged friends to vote for you, made a Chinese postdoc vote for you and made my parents do the same.

Now GIEF the Calculator on Who’s Who. Have you forgotten the button he had, which he would push each time a hero had defeated him, and then it would make him undefeatable by that hero forever more. That’s a killer button!


Oh, well. Have a look at the times when these reviews were posted. I’ll claim that as my excuse.


Dude your Thursdays inspired me and I gave you the props:

Now let me see who else I can strongarm for votes…


Incidentally, I’d like to invite you to join the Blogging Alliance of Non-Partisan Canadians. You certainly qualify.

The URL is

Kingfisher said on December 6th, 2008 at 1:41 pm

I’d love it if you had something to say about Batgirl’s current mini. It could use a rewrite, but just a review or your thoughts on it would be appreciated.


I know how you feel. It’s my goal in life to knock this guy off the first page of Google results:


Since when is there some other Christopher Bird? That’s a load of crap right there.


I pimped you on my site, yo.


I just went and voted for you. My request is this: Why I should write the Legion number 48: Booster Gold and the Legion of Super-Heroes….. Think about it, won’t you?


Wow, weird. galan taa suggests Booster and my request, well… I was going to ask if you could do a Blue Beetle-related Why I Should Write The Legion entry.


Scheisse! I missed my chance to vote this time! >_I wonder if you wouldn’t mind sharing with us your thoughts on the show Heroes (or at least mock it, your choice).

The whole “bad guys trying to change” thing has been done in comics a lot of times, of course. Same with the idea of “character does bad things he feels guilty about because of uncontrollable urges.” Still, though, I liked seeing Sylar trying to change. I liked how his relationship with Elle progressed, how he was willing to let her fry him over and over to atone for killing her pop, how that led to him (somehow) getting her power without killing her and a reconciliation between the two. And I liked how he cushioned Peter’s fall telekinetically, doing the right thing when the easiest thing to do would have been to kill the guy and please his “father.” I think even people who no longer like this show would consider Sylar’s story more interesting than stuff such as “Mohinder injects himself with something that gives him Spider-Man powers but also turns him into a serial killer who puts his victims in coccoons for no apparent reason and is also mutating into a bug or lizard or something.”

But yeah, the best part of this season has been the developments with Sylar, and I have no idea why they decided to throw it all away in the most recent episode. I believe it went something like this…

SYLAR: Cool, our powers came back. Bennett tried to kill us, so let’s go and kidnap his daughter like we were ordered to.

ELLE: ‘k.

SYLAR: DIE BENNETT DIE! And after that I’m taking Claire to Arthur Petrelli because she is some kind of catalyst, and he likes catalysts. How you like THEM apples???

BENNETT: You moron, Elle’s lying to you and the Petrellis are lying about being your real parents.


HIRO: Fuck off Sylar, I need to take Claire into the past because seeing her baby self being given to Nathan is going to give me my adult mind back, uh, somehow. So you go away! *teleports Sylar and Elle somewhere*

SYLAR: Oh well, we botched the mission. Wanna fuck?


SYLAR: Now that I’m on top of you, I think I’ll reveal that I don’t want to fuck after all!

ELLE: What?! Why the hell not?

SYLAR: Because people never really change for good, and I’m stupid enough to let what Bennett said get to me, so I’m going to cut open your head now even though I already have your power and there’s no reason for me to do it.

ELLE: Wow, that sucks. *dies*

So they just undid weeks of character evolution and reverted Sylar back to the way he was in, I dunno, season one. And there wasn’t even a logical reason given for his regression. Nice going…


(Damn, I screwed up that post. It should have read like this before the “Heroes” part…)

Scheisse! I missed my chance to vote this time! >_


Okay, apologies for the triple post. It looks like the second pointy bracket thingy in that angry emoticon kept everything before the blockquote part from making it into the post.

HERE is what I wanted to say before all the Heroes stuff, and if it doesn’t show up this time then I can only conclude that I’m not fit to operate a keyboard any more and I should find a cave someplace to live the remainder of my life in shame…

“Well I hope you win, MGK, and that my falling asleep at the wheel on this occasion won’t in any way affect the chances of there being a Rainbow Raider Who’s Who post someday.”

*crosses most of his digits*


How do we know you’re NOT the other Christopher Bird? You could be like a Highlander, or some foul animated corpse, or the BlogiChrist, just waiting to be made High Lord of Teh Internets before you devour all and the skies rain blood.

In any case, I too voted for you.


The power of BlogiChrist compels your votes to go back in time.


OMG the polls are closed!!!

I am in bunches, wishing you would do an Alan Moore riff to ease the anxiety.

Promethea maybe:

Good luck with the results.


“The power of BlogiChrist compels your votes to go back in time.”

My vote did, because of the power of the BlogiChrist.

But the power of the BlogiChrist is SO great that it propelled my vote all the way back to round one!


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