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Dear Governor Jim Douglas,

Suck. On. This.


The Legislature

Sage Freehaven said on April 7th, 2009 at 2:10 pm

I wonder how many ignorant jackasses are going to be picketing the entire Vermont border in order to keep the gays out of their state.

Lister Sage said on April 7th, 2009 at 2:49 pm

While this is very good, what really suprises me is that Iowa allows gay marriage now. I mean, holy shit, Iowa? California can’t even keep it around and Iowa gets it? Granted Iowa could still take it to a vote like Cali did, but still.

Lord Asteroth said on April 7th, 2009 at 3:16 pm

In a way this following the Iowa news makes me feel as if things are shifting balance. I’ve always considered the gay marriage issue to be one of inevitability, but now it seems that it could be snowballing to the point where we are going to start seeing the changes more rapidly now. And with that, of course, we’ll be seeing more and more of the vocal minority trying to claim that they are being oppressed.


[I]t’s the first recognition of same-sex marriage rights entirely initiated by the legislature.

To be fair, California tried to do it that way, but Schwarzenegger vetoed them. Twice. Because it should be for the courts to decide.

And now, back to yelling “Woooo~!”


From my time living there, Iowa doesn’t really surprise me. Iowa is remarkably “live and let live” for a mid-west state.

I’m happy for Vermont. And for all the bleeding ulcers who will have new irate Christians in Vermont to feed upon.

Jon Quixote said on April 7th, 2009 at 7:49 pm

But the Governor tried to veto it
-That’s bad.
The Legislature overturned his veto
-That’s good!
Though these state recognized marriages still hold no discernible weight when dealing with issues of
federal legislation…
That’s bad.
-Can I go now?


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