Top comment: At first, they asked Jughead why he didn’t join the search party. He just stared at them, turned, and finished the second bottle, before driving to the Cooper place, crossing himself, and popping open the trunk full of gas cans, a crossbow and a taser. — Chris Lowrance
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Of course it’s a super idea, Betty. Now you must not let anyone see him, or they will turn him against you.
Obviously in more ways than one.
Yeah, just like Misery right?
Honestly. She’s tied not only his ankles and hands, but it appears she wrapped the rope up to his ELBOWS, then felt the need to also tie his ARMS TO HIS SIDES. And it sort of looks like she’s tying his neck to that.
At first, they asked Jughead why he didn’t join the search party. He just stared at them, turned, and finished the second bottle, before driving to the Cooper place, crossing himself, and popping open the trunk full of gas cans, a crossbow and a taser.
I don’t get it.
jk. Wow, Bondage Betty. Who’da thunk it?
you know what would be neat. If Betty decapitated archie and boiled the flesh from his skull and then put that skull on the wall in her bedroom at home.
that would be neat.
bryan: ‘if’? i think you meant ‘when’
It’s all Archie’s fault. If he only remembered the safe word…
I think she is going to pull a Jame Gumb and wear Archie like a skin suit. I bet “Good-bye Horses” is already cued up on her record player!
Super effective!
It puts the lotion on its skin…
I like the wholesome, naive eager smile on Betty’s face. It tells me she’s done this before. And that there were no charges filed the last three times she did it.
It’s the expression on Betty’s face that really does it. I can only imagine the world that she sees through her eyes.
Also, Chris wins top comment now and forever.
Chris wins this round of comments.
If anyone reading this is a half-decent artist who can mimic the style, and if you’ve got 3-12 days to draw a fancomic out of Jughead rescuing Archie from Betty’s Misery-related psychosis as Chris imagines it, I would pay serious money to see it. >:)
Well, if she took the bondage to the next level and rode Archie like a government mule, she would probably win the rivalry with Veronica.
Well, shucks, it was just a thought.