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So there’s a pill for Joker-style Super-sanity, and you can get a prescription for it?

That’s the best argument for Canada’s health care system I’ve heard.

Yeah but then that happened said on September 17th, 2009 at 12:23 am

“the “Batshit? Batshit isn’t crazy, I’m crazy” insane. ”

See… here’s the problem with this catagory: at least a third of the elected Republicans down in the States are this type of politician (with the rest of the party being shameless corporate apologists)


Think of the crazy shit that politicians will do to stay in power now, when all that they stand to lose is a political office.

Now think of what kind of crazy shit they’d do to stay in power if the stakes were potentially lethal.


1. Lighthill is totally right. You’ll have a military dictatorship in no time.

2. The post-booting pension is meant to attract talented but not wealthy people to politics – if you’re not independently filthy rich, would you like a job which you may hold for three years then be booted out because of someone else’s (i.e. party leaders’) incompetence?

3. Instead of killing them, why not place them in a minimum wage job until retirement age, with the risk of death if they’re incompetent? Now, there’s an incentive to better working conditions.


“at least a third of the elected Republicans down in the States are this type of politician”

I’d like to believe that many of those politicians aren’t insane people, they just play them on C-Span. It’d be interesting to see which of them actually have the courage of the convictions they espouse and which are just playing to the Glenn Beck contingent.

lilacsigil: I’d suggest insisting the only thing post-bootees get after leaving office is the pension, with everything they earn flipping burgers or whatever in private life going back into government coffers, but that’s almost a reasonable position, and I hate taking those.


>Next on “Prescription Medication-Induced Reflections with Andrew Foley”: Is there any good reason not to eat the entire board of Goldman-Sachs and use their ground-up bones as an aphrodisiac?

I’m pretty sure they have lethal levels of saturated fats.


Well, Winston Churchill lost his seat in parliment in 1908 and 1922, as well as his party losing the election in 1945. Nonetheless, he was a pretty good PM, at least in the war. A politician leaving office doesn’t mean they can’t come back, nor should it.

He’s a pretty good case for politicians who’ve lost power by democratic means going back. The public not liking someone at one time doesn’t mean that they can’t be good, and do well on a electoral return. This seems incredibly poorly thought out.

Democracy really doesn’t mean the public knows what’s best for them. If nothing else, certain officials subsequent re-elections show that… [


Yep, I still miss the pre-groupblog days.


Nice. You gonna advocate eating babies next?

[Swift reference, “A Modest Proposal”, for anyone who doesn’t get it.]


Sure, this seems like a great plan, apart from all of the flaws, risks, drawbacks, and chaos it would cause! I’m all for it! I think I’ll write my Congressman and…

Oh. Right. Don’t suppose they would pass a “kill us all” bill, would they?


Why not just kill everyone that reaches the end of their career path? Maybe give people 1 year after retirement to travel or spend time with the kids or grandkids, then a big party and a dignified walk into the soylent plant.


Or a lottery to determine who is stoned. With rocks, not marijuana.


Well, Winston Churchill lost his seat in parliment in 1908 and 1922, as well as his party losing the election in 1945. Nonetheless, he was a pretty good PM, at least in the war.

Yes but he also gassed the kurds while in charge of a region of the world currently called “Iraq”, an offence against humanity that has since been duplicated once, and that second person was actually executed once he ended up forced out of political office.


I was utterly aware of that while saying so. Debated mentioning it, but thought it wasn’t really worthwhile. It was, after all, while he was in another office than the one I was speaking of here…

However I would say that the second person wasn’t voted out, so that’s totally irrelevant to this discussion.

My point still stands.


I know this is satire. It’s bad satire. From what I can tell the whole point is to display your cynicism and work in an insult to a particular politician. So rock on. Just because I don’t laugh doesn’t mean I don’t understand that it’s a joke.

I know I post under the most generic name possible. One of the reasons I do that is because, as I’ve mentioned defore, I actually work in state government. I am a public servant. I work for a with people who are on a statewide and sometimes national stage. Hell, my father held elected office for 20+ years. So maybe I take this sort of thing too personally. There are crooks, jerks, pervs, and morons that get elected. That old saw about getting the sort of representation you deserve has more that a little truth to it. I don’t know what this article adds to the conversation except more corseness and ill-feeling.

So in that spirit: Fuck you.

Mary Warner said on September 17th, 2009 at 6:42 pm

While I can definitely see the appeal in killing politicians, I don’t think this is a very good system you propose. What it would do is insure that the only people willing to run would be those so obsessed with power that they’re willing to die to get it. We get way too many power-hungry psychos already.
A better system would be to execute politicians who enact blatantly unconstitutional laws. This would help preserve freedom, even to the extent of causing politicians to avoid anything that might be even remotely unconstitutional. As opposed to the current situation in which they keep passing slightly different versions of bills whenever one is shut down by the courts.

Were you just making that up about 90% of Canadians supporting a maximum wage law of $500,000? That sounds fanatically Socialist even for Canada.
I really doubt if very many Americans would ever support such a thing. It would crush all their pipe dreams of becoming millionaires.


But it would also crush all the dreams of people who are already millionaires, and people are nothing if not petty.


Wow. Some people are taking this way too seriously.
Personally, I think that anyone willing to run for office on the national level should be disqualified as a power mad egomaniac. We should draft them instead. To prevent corruption, we can liquidate any investment holdings, and put it in an account whose payout is based on the U.S. economy (suggestions welcome) at the end of his term, and forbid future employment beyond a generous government pension .
Any takers?


Main problem with that is: who’s in charge of drafting them?


Oh, fine. Bring up a good objection. See if I care.
How about if the state governors draft one of their own for president, and state legislatures draft their federal level counterparts from their own number? Let them counterbalance themselves that way. I figure it should weed out most of the real loons.

Evil Abraham Lincoln said on September 21st, 2009 at 8:21 pm


8 years and 10 days ago, my fiance and unborn child died a painful, fiery and very untimely death because a skirt-chasing, publicity-loving politician and a money-grubbing, corporation-fellating politician decided that there was no reason to even attempt to corral a mentally insane terrorist who’d engineered multiple attacks on the American people. Adding insult to injury, the terrorist in question was almost literally handed on a silver platter to the skirt-chaser, who refused to take him for fear of lowering his approval ratings. Then the terrorist was ignored by the money grubber in a combined lack of concern for anything that didn’t involve earning money for his friends and business associates or relaxing on his multi-million dollar ranch.

So, with all due respect given on my end, fuck you and every single “politician” (root words-“poli”, meaning “people”, and “tic”, meaning “blood sucking insect”) on the planet. Because all of the currency that you and your kind has earned (monetary, emotional and egotistical) is well worth the lives of all of the people who you destroy underfoot.

In summation, I hate all of you. If it were possible, I’d connect every single one of you to my mind so that you could share every single one of the dreams that I’ve endured for the past 8 years. Dreams so bizarre, violent and pathetic that they’re ensured that any night in which I don’t drink at least a pint of rum or vodka will result in my waking up at 3AM in a cold sweat. Unlike me, though, your loved ones will be therre to comfort you. My loved ones, however, are in a pile of ashes in some God-forsaken landfill.

Fuck you until the day that you die.


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