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That is pretty funny. Kind of sums up the problem with emotion based powers, because no one feels that one way all the time.


That’s way most of those corps indoctrinates their members first!


Why am I reminded of the Rodney Dangerfield joke about how his wife’s mood ring showed plaid?


I think we need to keep Geoff away from the Crayola box before he gets any more bright ideas.

highlyverbal said on October 24th, 2010 at 7:59 pm


Well, I guess technically homophones do rhyme. What color is the pedantic corps?

Candlejack said on October 24th, 2010 at 9:14 pm

What are the colors for Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Precision, and Perception?

I mean, if Willpower is an emotion, surely all the other stats from In Nomine are too, right?


@highlyverbal: The Pedantic corps is grey/gray because then they can argue over spelling…


(I’m not at liberty to divulge the story involved with this color, but let’s just say it involves Jon Stewart and an irate Wendy’s employee.)

They issued Jon Stewart a power ring? Fucking finally. What color does Colbert get?


Murc: The blue one. Does SC Jr. get one, as well?


“They issued Jon Stewart a power ring? Fucking finally. What color does Colbert get?”

Colbert has Captain America’s shield.


Colbert gets a Peach Lantern ring, due to his connection to the emotional color of “smugness”.


nice racism there, you skinhead

malakim2099 said on October 25th, 2010 at 4:39 am

Well, I think MGK gave this little PSA about the whole Stewart thing.


So I’m hoping it was ironic.


Re: Beige Lantern


Comic Critics did it first!


Nice, and not a gay joke in there.


How about a Chinese Red Lantern, where red is a positive thing associated with marriage?

I just love how all DC aliens are Eurocentric and make the same dumb assumptions about things a white guy from the U.S. who can’t even be bothered to use Wikipedia would.

Red and yellow have positive connotations in several other cultures, which Johns might have noticed if he ever read anything beside old Roy Thomas comics. Also, white sometimes represents death.

For that matter, why is violet one of the colors? Scientists don’t really want to recognize that one either. And why do the violet lanterns look more pink than purple?


@johnny B: Care to back that up with an explanation, or should I just assume you’re speaking on behalf of your aquamarine-skinned brethren?


How about a Plaid Lantern for that feeling you get when you are impersonating a Scottish/Irish accent while completely blitzed.


Was the Turquoise a reference to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_League_of_America_(TV_movie) and how Guy appeared in that?


Hal has no idea why the Lavender Corps keep trying to recruit him. Maybe he’ll see what Ollie thinks of it, the next time they hang out, just the two of them having some guy time, you know, without Dinah. Or with Dinah, that’d be cool, too. …Actually, that’d be really great. Uh, if she’d be into that.


@Brian, I assume Violet is one of the colors so Green could be the “neutral” willpower color in the middle of the spectrum with three emotional colors to either side. But that’s just a guess.

Differing cultural interpretations of the Light Corps? That’d be a huge mess. Why not non-visible colors? Where is the Ultravilot or Infrared Corps? That’s so human-centric!

I also nominate the shame-based lantern corps to be the ‘Umber Lantern Corps.’ When fully charged, and smoldering with shame, they would (of course) be a slightly lighter shade of burnt umber.


I’m just saying there’s no good reason for red to be anger and yellow to be fear. That has always seemed really lazy and poorly thought out to me.


3 “negative” emotions on one end (rage, greed, fear) neutral green in the middle and 3 “positive” emotions on the other end (hope, compassion, love). It’s anthropomorphizing the visible spectrum a bit, sure, but it does have a sort of internal consistency (working with what was already in place. I think Anger-fear-greed makes more sense than anger-greed-fear, but whatever). And it sort of makes sense given the nature of the DC universe.

There are other vectors to attack the relative strengths or weaknesses of the story (I’d pick Hal Jordan as a weak central character, but that’s just my opinion) than some half-assed euro-centric cultural critique.


I thought it was fear-anger-hate-suffering?

Come to think of it, Yoda *is* green…


Good to hear the Apathy corps have remobilized after the White Lanterns stole their color. I heard they were going to get it registered but they just never got around to it or something came up or something. I don’t remember.


The pink lanterns are great. The DCU having to face their greatest nemesis–joy?!

Hal Jordan’s jaw might just break from the strain of resisting the urge to unclench.


So the Lanterns are Pokemon now? (Caught ’em all? Good! Here’s sixty more we somehow didn’t know about before!)

Tales of the Boojum said on October 29th, 2010 at 2:20 am

This whole Green Lanterns as Care Bears thing has always made me scratch my head: “I’m Brave Lantern and there’s my pal Hopeful Lantern. And that’s Grumpy Lantern. Don’t be a Greedy Lantern. Oh Noes! Here comes Kissy Lantern!”


why are brown people shameful?


Johnny, you know the Green Lanterns aren’t actually green, right? They just wear green costumes.


You don’t notice the fact that every colour that could represent a race is negative? While white is pure? yellow = evil, red = evil, black = evil, and now brown is shameful


I can’t speak for Geoff Johns, but I picked all the colors at random off of Wikipedia and assigned emotions to them at random. There was absolutely no thought of associating them with human skin colors, any more than I thought about associating them with baseball team colors or shades of lipstick. You are jumping to a lot of conclusions about me based on very little evidence, which is a good way to look like an asshole.

Next time, start with “It seems like a lot of the colors with racial associations have negative ones,” instead of skipping straight to calling people skinheads. It makes for an actual conversation, instead of people just writing you off as a troll.


Hahaha, brilliant article! I’m still cracking up over some of them… especially the Beige Lantern Corps. LOL.

@Brian, I seem to recall an interview where Geoff Johns where he said something to the effect that none of the colors/emotions are inherently evil, but the ones furthest from the center (red and violet) are the most overpowering on their user. The Green Lanterns are LITERALLY the center of attention.

It seems pretty obvious that the choice of colors reflects the familiar ‘ROYGBIV’ that most of us learned growing up. It might not be ‘scientifically accurate,’ but everyone knows it. It’s just a frame of reference. Not to mention that you’ve got three ‘negative’ emotions, and three ‘positive’ emotions.

As for the cultural, and especially racial, connotations… well, that seems rather subjective to me. I think you might be reading a bit too much into it. Especially since I’m not sure about some of them… Nothing in Western culture really associates orange with avarice, for example. In fact GREEN is usually associated with greed! And while ‘cool’ colors are considered calming, its a big leap to associate them with ‘Hope’ or ‘Compassion’.

I could find just as many similarities (or differences) from around the world. One hadith claims the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) disliked the color yellow, but the color green has positive associations in the Islamic world (including on the flags of Libya, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan). Turkish mythology associates the colors with directions. Black is north, white is west, red is south, blue is east, and green is center. The ancient Slavs viewed white as ‘good’ (embodied by Bylebog) and black as ‘evil’ (embodied by Chernobog, whom you may know from the ‘Night on Bald Mountain’ part of Fantasia). The ancient Egyptians, meanwhile associated red with the chaotic god Set, while green and black were given positive connotations because of their association with Osiris. The Yoruba of Nigeria say their primary God Obatala is dressed in pure white…

I could go on, but there’s no reason to say that these associations are purely Western constructs, let alone racist or imperialist in some way.


I don’t think they’re racist. I just think they’re really lazy and dumb.


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