As requested.
Really, I just did this in the hopes of igniting nerd holy war.
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google is chaotic evil. You can tell because they keep saying don’t be evil which is something a chaotic evil person would totally be saying to fool you.
Also a good person would say it, but who thinks google is good anymore?
At any rate it is definitely something that a neutral person would never say.
Considering I only know about 4 of these, I cannot suss out the logic behind this :T
Honestly, I almost _want_ Google to be True Neutral. Neutral, in this case, means not taking sides–“You ask me for a query, I return it. I ask no questions, I don’t monitor, I don’t filter. I return the unedited web.”
I think the problem is that Google isn’t Neutral _enough_. (Or perhaps, is too Lawful. Depends how you look at things.) Things like saving queries, and giving data to law enforcement without a warrant fall under…well, that’s the question, isn’t it? Is that Good, or Lawful (because it can be used to catch criminals and the like), or is that Evil, or Chaotic (because it undermines privacy)?
“Really, I just did this in the hopes of igniting nerd holy war.”
Yeah, that’ll probably do it. Just curious, but are you crazy by any chance?
Is it bad that I’ve never heard of any of the good or lawful ones?
Another vote for not having heard of most of these outside the Google->Ask quadrant. Which means this doubles as Nerd Holy War trigger and PSA!
On the subject of Google and “don’t be evil,” I’ll note that while a CE person might say it (although my bets would be on something more subversive), it fits neutrality to a T. A good person would say “Be good!” not “Don’t be evil.”
I don’t think anyone’s going to argue for Google being Good (but this chart illustrates why they might out of ignorance), but I think “Don’t be evil” is exactly what a True Neutral person would say. Now, they might follow it up with “Don’t be good, either,” and the absence of this from Google’s slogan is an indication that when they started they were more Good than they are now.
Still, I’m not ready to consign them to the same category as the Baidu/Bing/Asks of the world.
Amusing *and* informative…
Gehaz: Well said!
Nerd holy war indeed. “I fight for the glory of Google! Prepare yourself heathens!”
True Neutral has paladins?
Wow, I haven’t even heard of the five good and/or lawful ones.
Google throws in so many weird Easter Eggs that its hard to think of it as anything but Chaotic.
I’m not sure why you think Ask is Chaotic Evil but you’re spot-on with Bing being Evil (and useless). I have never found what I was looking for with Bing.
Granted I don’t have a lot of luck with Yahoo either but my computer doesn’t automatically use Yahoo so its out of sight, out of mind.
You could probably do one for all the various social networks, too. Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, MySpace, etc.
Facebook, of course, would be Chaotic Evil.
Google is definitely some brand of evil.
Never heard of five of those and don’t use the other four. Dogpile is what works for me…
I think Google is not the mean but the mode. It’s true neutral only because of it’s omnipresence. Though I don not know what it would be if it were not on an altogether different level to the other search engines.
Where is Altavista? And/or Dogpile?
I have never found what I was looking for with Bing.
Even when Bing was passing any queries you gave it thru Google?
No, but I think they have a lot of lawyers. And lawyers can get very self-righteous sometimes.
…he said to a lawyer, on the blog run by another lawyer.
I can tell your heart wasn’t in this, because there’s no quotes. Well-selected quotes make a good alignment chart shine.
I’ll defend the choice of Ask as chaotic evil.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to clean up after it (uninstalling its damn toolbar, switching back to the proper home/start page, and various malware-y bits of detritus strewn about the hard drive) on my parent’s computer after my nephew has had a couple of hours of blithely ignorant web searching for free games and sundry kid shit.
As a Parks & Rec fan, I’m a little shocked that Altavista gets no love.
“Really, I just did this in the hopes of igniting nerd holy war.”
Oh, it’s going to be worse than that. I’m going to send the link to a friend of mine who does SEO for a living.
If you’re taking alignment chart requests, I have a couple of suggestions which I have neither the knowledge nor the motivation to follow through on: Webcomics and the News Media. Just a thought (and another thought).
Of COURSE True Neutral has paladins. MGK has already covered this: http://mightygodking.com/index.php/2010/10/13/4065/
@ Ed (Jack Norris): Hey, I feel for your nephew in that situation. Ask is so damn evil that they openly lie about what clicking their links means. Your poor nephew probably very seriously investigated what the links promise not to do, and naively thought he was safe. Absolute malware.
Alignment chart request: an alignment chart of previous alignment chart requests.
So far, candidates from this thread:
Social Networks – lawful evil
Webcomics – chaotic good
News Media – chaotic(?) evil
Alignment chart requests – true neutral
Also, what the fuck? I don’t even know these other search engines. There’s anything worth using but Google, these days? I’d use Baidu if I were, you know, in CHINA, but…Google won, move on, anywhere else.
Duckduckgo seems to be in the right place. It’s got that inviting color scheme, and it doesn’t try to push your searches the way some sites I could name do.
If you really want a nerd holy war, how about one for social news websites?
I think I’m on a roll.
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You used Baidu. Prepare to die.”
You should do one for wrestling, that’d be mildly entertaining.
Would Ask still be chaotic evil if it had kept Jeeves?
About paladins, I figure since there are the 9 alignments, and gods that represent them. Why not?
I was looking up “alignment charts” and wound up here, the broad font of a dead meme, and this chart both confuses and demoralizes me. I was here when it was posted, and have little memory of the world it describes.
(hope all y’all are doing well)