So it has come time, once again, to pay my web-hosting fees. I am not saying all of you should feel obligated to hit the Paypal button on the right-hand sidebar; far from it. I don’t put up ads because I don’t think my readers should be forced to pay anything; this is my place, after all.
But – it would be appreciated, certainly.
And for everyone, donors and not: requests for posts/discussion in the comments! Usual rules apply.
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38 users responded in this post
Could you post on your opinions about the directions the American political landscape could go in now that the tactics Mitt Romney used in his campaign are clearly no longer successful?
If you’ve seen Wreck-It Ralph, a discussion of that could be interesting. (If you haven’t seen it, on the other hand, it is quiet worth seeing.)
As a “Hipster” and being, oddly enough, discriminated against for my appearance and interests, I would very much like to see a conversation on my culture much like you did for “Geeks” and the Nice Guy conversation that was pretty awesome.
D&D Alignment chart for Farscape!
More legal case reviews and discussion of interesting legal matters such as the possible impacts of the Supreme Court ruling on the First Sale college textbook case.
Your thoughts on the possibility of Puerto Rico becoming a state, if/when you think it might happen, how it might impact the existing US and how it might impact the people of Puerto Rico.
As always, thank you (and your other submitters) for putting together such an entertaining and informative blog!
Discuss the disturbing similarities between the New 52 and Marvel NOW!
I second a discussion on Wreck-It Ralph, or at least a one sentence review.
Thank you for everything!
Possibly a discussion of “The Law and Superheroes” commenting on the difference between U.S. and Canadian law as it applies to the topics covered?
Surely a discussion of the New 52 breaks down as “90s nostalgia was inevitable”?
Your top candidates for the director of the next Star Wars film(s)(personally I’m leaning towards Brad Bird), or who you’d see being best suited to take over creative direction/stewardship of the franchise.
I’d like to second the request for a Wreck-It Ralph review.
A one-sentence review would be fine, but it’s really worth a full review.
Along with a fourth request of your opinion of the Wreck-It Ralph film, I’d like to recommend a discussion (self-wrote or commentators) of various “Recommended Reading” books (or any other English class book) that may not be so recommendable but more disagreeable. As an example of this kind of discussion, I’m currently reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for class, and I vehemently disagree with how anti-feminist/-black/-gay the book is, and how McMurphy is in my opinion not that rootable a protagonist. I can see this site as a reasonable discussion board for this topic, given the frequent musings on storytelling methods and critiques here.
Either that, or more Who’s Who’s or new Rex Ratings for the OHOTMU, I dunno.
Who is currently the best event writer at each of the Big Two, and what makes a big event “good”?
Any thoughts on the cancellation of Hellblazer?
That news ruined my day.
Wreck it Ralph review as noted above
Also (and you’re already doing this a bit with the “I really love comics” example posts) some recommendations for current books for those of us who are disillusioned right now with comics.
Thanks for the great columns! Going to donate now.
-More “Movies You Probably Haven’t Watched But Should” in general, and specifically one for Walter Hill’s “Streets of Fire,” perhaps?
-Alignment charts: Community, Nicolas Cage, Sean Bean, William Fichtner
-A Spider-Man essay along the lines of the ones you did on Supes and Lex
-Speaking of Lex, an analysis of Paul Cornell’s Black Ring storyline and why it’s great would be cool
-Your thoughts on Kieron Gillen’s Journey Into Mystery, if any?
I’d enjoy a roundup of what new or obscure webcomics are worth reading. I’ve fallen way behind on that whole aspect of the media.
What are the big events, deaths, rebirths, or what have you in Marvel and DC that you wish would be next on the “retcon away” list?
For example, do you think the reversal of “No More Mutants” should have been done sooner?
Disney’s acquisition of LucasArts (and while old news, Marvel), the rumored interest of Disney in Hasbro, and whether or not these are good things.
I always enjoy your board-game work.
Or – for something off the wall – a discussion of why Western pop-culture audiences find tropes taken from medieval Japan – ninjas, samurai, etc. – appealing, while tropes taken from other times and places – India before the English, sub-saharan Africa, the Aztec Empire, etc. – find so little traction. I have a pet theory it has to do with Japan being the one place where European imperialism was felt the least, but I wonder what your thoughts are.
-DC’s treatment of their Milestone characters, in particular their presence in the Cartoon Network show “Young Justice.”
-Your thoughts on comic book movies, since at the very least director Matthew Vaughn has cited them as being on their way out.
-What are your personal thoughts on Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin? People [myself included] have made kind of a big deal out of the racial aspects of the casting.
I’d just like to voice my support for a few of the suggestions already here:
Spider-man essay. I really like the character and would love to see you examine him. I recall you made a reference to Spidey in one of your Doctor Strange posts that gave me the impression you had a good handle on the character, so some elaboration would be great.
Paul Cornell’s Lex Luthor-era Action Comics. The were really quite fun, I wish it had lasted longer.
A look at webcomics could be interesting.
I feel like it’d be pretty fun to see what you’d like retconned.
A New 52 discussion is definitely necessary. I was actually really surprised that I didn’t see any on the sites that I frequent, so I’m eager for some reflection on it.
Alignment charts, I’d most like to see them for Community and Nicholas Cage, mostly because I want to see where you put “Arrgh, the bees! My eyes!”
What do you think makes a good crossover.
More Doctor Strange and Who’s Who is pretty much an obligatory suggestion at this point.
And some of my own:
What trends in comics would like to see stopped?
If you could wrestle one comic book industry creator, whom would it be? Additionally, what would you respective in-ring personas/signature moves be?
Who do think is the best new character of the past 25 years?
What comic books do you think are the most/least entrenched in industry’s by now standard obsession with reliving old stories and ideas?
Do you think the superhero film is here to stay or will it fade away in a few years?
You mean besides my second annual request for a M*A*S*H allignment chart, in time for Rememberance Day? ‘Kay, then….
I love your weekly TV column, but how about a more in-depth review of what you think is the best show on TV right now? And, conversely, what you think the WORST one is?
(For that matter, how about a column about what you think are the best Canadian-produced TV shows on the air right now?)
Let’s say DC Comics came to you to put together a live-action Legion of Super-Heroes TV series. What would be the basic plot of the pilot? What heroes would you use? Who would be the main villains? What would the underlying storyline of the first season be? And who would you cast in the key roles?
What voting system is the best (FPTP, STV, runoff, or some other one) and why?
Also, under the heading of Things You Are Already Doing Which I Like: Single-Sentence Movie Reviews. They’re like shots. Or what I imagine shots to be. I don’t do shots.
As one of the three readers here that look forward to your wrestling articles, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinons on CHIKARA. Whether you’re a fan, what makes it tick, etc.
Holy shit! I can actually remember some of the questions I wanted to ask, because I was just thinking of stuff this week. HOORAY!
1. Have you been reading the Witch Doctor series from Image? If so are there any ideas you think would incorporate well into your ‘plans’ for Doctor Strange?
2. Alignment chart: Wreck It Ralph.
3. DC announced that they are cancelling Hellblazer. This makes me fucking angry as it’s an excuse to tone the book down and move it over to the ‘New’52. I am quite pissed about this as Hellblazer is consistantly the best book DC has published for almost 30 years. This isn’t really a question I just had to get it off my chest. Comment if it pleases you.
3a. Almighty Kfish: You and be both brother.
4. More ‘I Should Write Doctor Strange’.
5. Would like to second Paul Wilson’s ’90’s nostalgia’ question.
In regards to ‘I should write Doctor Strange’, you’ve posted a lot of concepts. How would you go about actually implementing it? (There was a bit more of this in the earlier installments, but seems to have faded out)
How would you sell Doctor Strange to Marvel? Why do they NEED to have a Strange book? And how do you convince them to keep supporting it? How do you sell it to the fans?
Marvel currently seems to be ‘rather hostile’ (at the least) to characters who they can’t sell as Avengers/X-Men. How would you deal with being forced to write ‘Dr. Strange, the Mystic Avenger’?
How would you deal with the potential for being being cancelled a few arcs into a run?
How would you look to implement the inevitable Wolverine/Spider-Man guest appearances? Are there any guests that you would want to write in a Doctor Strange story?
So basically, a ‘I should write Doctor Strange’ based a bit more on the practical challenges, rather than just pitches. Unless, of course, you just don’t care about that side of things.
I love the board game reviews; you’d suggested several that I have enjoyed after trying them out later.
My group of friends have really enjoyed Through the Ages, if you have time for a Civilization-type game.
–Board game reviews please! More specifically, have you tried Eclipse or the new Merchants of Venus? I have room for an epic-space game in my collection, never really warmed to Twilight Imperium, but am considering those.
–Community Alignment Chart yes!! I think we all know who gets the Changotic Evil spot.
–Political content i.e. voting systems, Rob Ford foibles, etc. Ooh, if you could combine a post on proportional representation with Die Macher, that’d be gold!
I wonder if you could do an Alignment Chart entirely made of various portrayals/depictions of Sherlock Holmes?
I would love to see more Dr. Strange work.
Ooh, I really like Abyss’ suggestion.
I think you did something similar for The Legion at some point, naming various artists and so on that you’d choose for the book.
So that but more in-depth I guess. How you’d sell it, who you’d want as your art team, how long you’re story arcs would be (with the volume of ideas you’re generated you could easy go for several yeahs just on one-shots). How you’d brace for possible cancellation (Who you write the series in a way so that if you found out it was getting cancelled after issue 8 you could easily leave feeling like you’d said something and told a good story, or would you be playing a longer game?)
Stuff like that would be pretty interesting to me.
MGK, what’s your opinion of MGK the band?
I’d like to add another vote for the webcomics thing – what are your current weekly reads?
I’m assuming your friends know/enjoy your writing. Ever had to give a best man speech? Any good stories about it, or advice to give? I’m supposed to toast my cousin, and while any help would be appreciated I also think you must have some fun things to say about it!
Last time I asked “Played any good board games lately?” Figure I’ll renew that one and add “Had any good conversations with Flapjacks lately?”
(Also, in case I didn’t mention it at the time, your Beatles alternate history was absolutely wonderful. Not actually requesting more, because I imagine it had to be extremely time-consuming to do, but I wanted to make sure I told you how much I liked it.)
One an in depth analysis of the Joker along the lines of your essay on Lex would be nice. I’d also love to hear how you would do a superhero television program. Of course I would like to see more Strange stuff especially on the practical stuff.
Why I (and other, lesser beings) seem to feel embarrassed by actually enjoying fan fiction?
donated (and more Dr Strange would be tops)