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As always, you can also go to the dedicated Al’Rashad site.
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Okay, this page is amazing. Davinder deserves major kudos with what he’s conveying just from everyone’s expressions and body language.
Joro, of course, is ten kinds of awesome. He doesn’t give a shit about the politics. What he does give a shit about is that he never knows where his next meal is coming from, and everyone is paying attention to the big blonde guy who keeps almost getting him killed, so he’s gonna steal him some peaches.
But man, the others… you can tell that Apali is barely even listening. Her expression says ‘I am simply waiting for you to be done speaking so that I may speak again.’ Rayana is very, very annoyed to be told she is wrong, but the wheels are turning; she’s at least considering what Alric has to say.
Fezay and Kahal, by contrast, are already half-convinced. Fezay especially. (Although Fezay might just be thinking ‘Dammit, is his beard better than mine? It might be. I hate that.’)
Alric, of course, oozes sincerity and confidence.
The Caliph… he gives away nothing. There’s neither hostility nor friendliness in his eyes. They see everything but give away nothing except perhaps the impression that he is coolly weighing everything said and will then render his judgment.
People need to start paying you moneys for this.
A beautifully laid-out page, with great faces all round. Fitting for the moment when Alric finally gets to deliver the message he went through hell to bring.
7th Sea references delight me no matter where I see them.