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As always, you can also go to the dedicated Al’Rashad site.
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4 users responded in this post
Now I’m wondering if that giant Gundring armada isn’t somehow part of Dalakhra’s grand plan. After all, he was counting on Alric being either dead at sea or (backup plan) working for him by now. Maybe he has a story already ginned up for Wulf.
Rayana maybe wants to take a look at the ocean.
Or maybe he’s already got his army inside the city?
Sounds like the sort of thing Dalakhra would have arranged ahead of time. He’s a nasty piece of work, but he’s provably not an idiot.
Just read Al’Rashad in its entirety. This comic is amazing! The story is gripping with great characters and dialogue that feels natural and the art… I don’t even know how to describe how impressed with the art I am. This is something I will for sure be keeping an eye on.
Dalakhra knows that these [gestures to army] are not the hammer.