I’m getting a bit bored just posting images during my study hiatus, so: ask me anything. About work, not-work, Al’Rashad, my other stuff, the blog, what I had for breakfast yesterday, whatever. Answers will be next week’s posts.
(Well, not anything – I’m not going to give legal advice, for example. But most things.)
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60 users responded in this post
Okay, I’ll bite: How big are your comic and book collections?
What would your alignment chart for King of the Hill look like?
How far ahead have you plotted Al’Rashad?
Now that Gates is part of the new “Levitz Legion”, would you re-introduce Kent Shakespeare to the Legion?
Why did you choose lawyer as your career?
What are your thoughts on mumblecore?
Not so much a question as a request: could you post more conversations between you and Flapjacks?
Here’s an actual question: given that Doctor Strange would be your first choice to write that’s not your own original stuff, who or what would be your second?
Which handles serialization better – Television or Comics?
What do you think the odds are that the shenanigans unfolding in Wisconsin will have any lasting effect on US internal politics?
Can your awesome techie add a search function and make it so the comment links go directly to the comments?
I’m trying to upvote Benman’s question about Al’Rashad, but I can’t find the up arrow. D:
What’s the driving idea behind Al’Rashad, other than Viking Prince + Sinbad?
How much do you tip, and is the tipping system broken?
What do you think of David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’? Do you see it as a workable scheme?
People sort of already asked this, but I’ll reaffirm: how long is Al’Rashad planned to be, and what’s the “elevator pitch”? Where’s the story going, without spoilers obviously?
Why a “Caliphate” for the Al-Rashad setting, instead of a “Sultanate”? I mean, wouldn’t that be comparable to having Papal states in a traditional European fantasy setting?
Also, what do you think it would take for DC to make a good WW movie? I know you’ve joked about this before, but I’d love to see a more in-depth analysis.
Does the idea of a MGK-written “Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu” hold any interest for you?
What’s your best explanation for Batman’s appeal? I mean, I like him, but he looks like the devil.
Two questions: if one wanted to get into the Legion, where would one start? And also, after seeing your Akira post (which summed up my thoughts on the movie perfectly, and almost in passing at that), I was wondering what other manga you like?
I loved what you did on your “How to start reading comics.” post. Is it possible to make a similar post for television? (“How to start watching TV, perhaps?)
What’s your number one board game of 2010?
What edition of D&D (including Pathfinder) is your favourite?
How do you prefer your eggs?
Personally, I’m a sunny-side up sort of fellow.
This is one I’ve been thinking about, given as how you discuss comics so often, but then you went and posted a panel from it so here we go: what’s your opinion on Astro City?
What happened to Televisualist? Do you still do it?
Would you consider sharing your script for book one of Al’Rashad?
What style of beer do you prefer? And do you recommend any particular breweries?
Oh, another one: there’s an awful lot of Doctor Who talk around here, which is a-ok with me, but judging by your DS9 alignment chart (my personal favorite), you’re also a Star Trek fan. Is DS9 your favorite Trek, and if so, why?
Hmm…What, in your opinion, are the greatest comic storylines?
And conversely, what are the worst?
Any thoughts on Chris “Dr.” Hastings getting hired to write Deadpool?
four canadian politics questions
a) what will it take to have the green party to elect a member
b) how do you think the regional loggerhead will solve itself
c) how do we prioritize cities in the current canadian political context
d) what will it take to get ignatieff into the pmo
and one personal
a) are you queer?
Why is a mouse when it spins?
Why should you write… I dunno… something?
1.What are your thoughts on Mayor Flounder 100+ days in?
2. What’s the best movie theater in Toronto?
3. What’s the best comic book shop in Toronto?
Are you reading Secret Six from DC? If so, what would you say to get people to start reading it?
“Benman said on March 11th, 2011 at 10:39 am
How far ahead have you plotted Al’Rashad?”
I’m one of MGK’s ex-roomates, and I can answer this. It was fully plotted and written up as a movie script in the summer of 2001. Then 9/11 happened, and it had to go back in the drawer.
I’m sure MGK is making adjustments for the medium, but it has been done for a long time.
“What do you think the odds are that the shenanigans unfolding in Wisconsin will have any lasting effect on US internal politics?
Damn! I came in here planning on asking that, Toby. I live here in Madison, where it’s essentially ground zero. The shady shit going down here is disgusting and downright illegal.
Here is the Assembly vote late that night. Republicans suddenly called for a snap vote while most of the Democrats were in queue to speak.
Sorry for the derail. Continue with the questions.
The above article was written a while ago about fantasy novels, but a similar trend could also be identified in many forms of contemporary art (increasing gritty realism, morally ambiguous narrative, graphic description of unpleasant events, etc.). What do you make of the accusation made in the above article (that these pieces demean the genre and art as a whole)?
Have you ever read the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher?
Which alignment is Rex?
On a scale of sad to depressed, how sad are you to see stargate universe canceled?
@Mitchell Hundred – that article made me want to punch someone. Metaphorically speaking.
Man, I wish I had a good suck-up question. Um, how bad do you need a wool balaclava made like El Tyrano Magnifico, or have you already got one?
In your article on The Monocle, you wrote as an aside “Hawkman is a dick and everybody hates him.”
I would like to see you elaborate on this. I think everyone would benefit from an essay on why Hawkman is a dick and everybody hates him.
What are the best Dr. Strange issues to read (or issues that have Dr. Strange in them)?
The answer is… Fuck Beastboy?
And a follow-up: wouldn’t the snivelling little pervert just enjoy that?
@Mitchell Hundred
The strange part of that article is the 300 post comment thread with people apparently blaming the “fall of fantasy” on politically correct liberals? Wierd.
not a question rather a statment.
我的阴茎比你大 ! yup..
Rereading the “I Should Writes” suggests you’re very into Byzantine history. Tell us about that? It’s a fascinating topic.
Also rereading them, I realised the original text for the first 30 ISWTLegion posts isn’t up, just the pictures and later commentary. Could you post the original text?
You may have already been asked or answered this, but do you work full script for Al-Rashad, or Marvel method (plot then art then script)?
I always kind of liked Hawkman. When I was a kid, anyway, watching Superfriends. But then, I had a huge crush on Aquaman back then, too, so what the fuck did I know?
What’s twhe status of that Novella? I really liked what I read and the hook was golden.
Also, do you like me?
These are done, by the way.
[…] in accordance with a request made in the AMA thread, has installed both search and comment-link functionality on the […]
scarecrowprophet – I suspect that the text related to ther legion stuff is probably gone – MGK started over at Livejournal, and when that got shut down a lot of the material there went away completly.
What does your My Little Pony-loving Dr. Doom think of “Friendship is Magic”?
If you had to recommend one single book on how Canada first implemented its single-payer health care system, which would you recommend?
So, what are your thoughts on the Byron Sonne case?
(Way late to the party…)
What did you think of the end of “The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business”, and has the show jumped the shark?