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mightybaldking said on March 13th, 2008 at 9:17 am

When did the American media grow a set?

Eric TF Bat said on March 13th, 2008 at 9:21 am

Who is he? He’s a hell of a speaker. Sentences longer than a black man caught with an ounce of cannabis, but clear and almost poetic in form. Excellent stuff.


That is the one and only Keith Olbermann – the Edward R. Murrow of our time. Look up his stuff on When he does a special commentary, its an earth shattering one.


Between that and Crazy Uncle Pat flipping out on Dan Abrams’s show? It was a fantastic television night, lemme tell ya.


I think Pat has a point, but not in the way he thinks. If Obama wasn’t black the Clinton camp wouldn’t have been able to play the race card. You can’t seem to throw a stone without finding people (black, white, NDN, ect) who say they jumped ship after Hilary’s rather blatant race baiting, gender issues, anti-hope message, and her supporters’ crazy-ass rhetoric drove them away in droves.



Doh! My html sucks. That was supposed to go back to angryblackwoman’s post on the Roseanne Barr thing. I should probably try to learn html instead of c/p all the time.

Sage Freehaven said on March 13th, 2008 at 3:23 pm

Keith Olbermann is fucking awesome. Hell, Countdown’s the only news show I watch on a regular basis. And when he does a Special Comment, I make damn sure to watch it, because I know it’s going to be damn good.


I love Crazy Uncle Pat almost as much as I love Keith.

Charlotte said on March 13th, 2008 at 8:10 pm

Edward R. Murrow indeed…. “Good night and good luck.” Heh.

Well I try not to pay any attention to American politics, but that was heartening. Not often you hear honest and eloquent anyone on the telemavision.


Owned. :-p

vonDread said on March 15th, 2008 at 4:52 am

I think we need more of the good kind of righteous indignation (that is to say, the warranted kind) in TV journalism, and I was with him right up until the end. But swiping Murrow’s signature sign-off tells me he’s far too aware of any comparisons people may have made between him and Morrow, and he’s trying to capitalize on it by somehow invoking Murrow’s spirit. That strikes me as incredibly phoney and presumptuous. It’s like the replacement vocalist for some mega superstar rock band swiping the original guy’s schtick instead of coming up with something himself. Unless this was just a one-time, spur-of-the-moment thing. I’d like to think it’s something some slick-as-shit producer suggested that Olbermann actually chafes at, but ultimately agrees to for the opportunity to rant. I don’t know, I don’t watch him regularly.

vonDread said on March 15th, 2008 at 4:54 am

If I believed in an afterlife, I’d hope Mr. Murrow would forgive me for misspelling his name there.


Olbermann only uses the Murrow line in his more heated commentaries, but not on a day to day basis.

I don’t see anything wrong with him using the line. Its being used appropriately, after all.


It almost seemed a little overblown, but every time I thought it might be, I thought back to his comments at the beginning of the speech; he clearly knows Senator Clinton, and it must have been hard as hell for him to say something like this. Very impressive.


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