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Mmm… gelato…


3 things that make me smile:
1. The Spaniards are playing “toreadoro”, as opposed to looting and beating people up and whatever else it is the really insane soccer/football fans do
2. Enough Canadians are out and about riding bicycles for them to do this
3. Hello, anywhere else in the world they would just laugh and run away if you crash into something (or if it’s the wimpy fans, and you look badly hurt, they would look frightened and run away). But the Spaniards buy you gelato.

quelonio said on June 30th, 2008 at 4:35 am

Those wacky compatriots of mine… I hope you didn’t get hurt.

At least they gave you a gelato, far better than cutting off your ears.


One day England will win a major trophy again and I will spend an entire week either deleriously alternating between being very drunk and very hung-over. People will phone from abroad trying to get through to British companies and the only people answering the phone will be (extra-)grumpy Scots and Welshfolks.

Spain give us hope that one day the dream can come true.


I don’t really give a shit about the football in the normal course of things, but the Spanish certainly know how to do these things right.


Toreador, not toreadoro. I’m spanish and all I have to say is F*CK YEAH!!! TAKE THAT, GERMANY!!


I’m german and all I have to say is WHATEVER… I DON’T GIVE A SHIT, SPAIN.


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