Also, Andrew Wheeler, in homage, did an alignment chart for Glee here, although he made Rachel not be evil, which – no.
Also, Andrew Wheeler, in homage, did an alignment chart for Glee here, although he made Rachel not be evil, which – no.
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While bbt has more of what TVTropes calls a “purple and green morality”, this is as right as possible. Wheaton at CE, of course, is a given.
I’d say “do Leverage, but that would be a big doggy pile at CG/CN, with Maggie at LG and Sterling interesting to place.
Wil Wheaton seems to only play Chaotic Evils now…
If someone had suggested BBT, I would have undoubtedly said that there aren’t enough major recurring characters.
I would have been wrong.
Well-played, sir. Well-played indeed.
@Aulayan: Maybe he only plays good guys in his voice acting now?
Yeah, my first thought at viewing this alignment chart was also “If one were to construct a Leverage chart, one could do the joke of putting Wil Wheaton in the exact same place twice.”
I don’t think Rachel is evil; she can (frequently) be self-centered, but she can also be generous (particularly when stardom isn’t on the line), and unlike many others in the cast she doesn’t make a general policy of harming others.
On Rachel: Having seen none of this season, I’d put her right where Wheeler did. Has she run over a puppy this season or something?
When one axis is “neutral” that basically tells me “ignore it, look only at the other for guidance.” Were Rachel, say, lawful evil, I’d expect her to spend most of her time harming people because harming people is right. I’ve seen her both help and harm people as she saw necessary, which means she’s mostly unpredictable on that axis. Therefore, neutral.
What I find sad is how few good candidates for this I can think of.
She sent a potential rival to a crackhouse at one point, but other than that, no, she’s been pretty ordinary (indeed, she’s been quite nice and supportive of several people, including Kurt).
In unfortunate direct competition, I present this Community Alignment Chart I didn’t create.
If that doesn’t work, here is link.
Is there an alignment called “Annoying Lame”? If so I would put all the Glee kids in there, plus their teacher, Whitey McScrunchface.
…oh, and yay! A Community chart… I was just thinking of making one. 30 Rock next maybe? I’d also like to request Fringe, Human Target, Stargate Victims Unit (SGU), and TMZ (Max = chaotic good, Harvey = Lawful Evil).
I love this show and I love MGK in real life and Bendis did Squirrel Girl in New Avengers #7 and I have spoilers and scans:
Could you review that sequence please Mr. Bird?
…aaaaaaand Wheatoned.
RE BBT: Is Raj really “good”? I know being kind of a jerk doesn’t exclude you from “good” but he’s been pretty bad lately. Didn’t he just have an off-screen relationship with a deaf girl just because he wouldn’t have to talk to her? Didn’t he fake months worth of research after his work hit a dead end?
RE Glee: I enjoy the show but a D&D alignment can’t possibly work on the grounds that Burt (Kurt’s father) is the ONLY truly good person on the show.
Oh come on, Rachel’s an ambitious woman on a Ryan Murphy show. He thinks they’re ALL evil.
The only ones I would disagree with on your BBT chart are Sheldon and Leslie Winkle. Sheldon’s totally the Lawful Evil one of those two.
@Aulayan: or Chaos, period.
The only other person I could conceive of at Chaotic Evil would be Kripke. (also, IMDB says he’s only been in 4 episodes and Amy 5 – I find this difficult to swallow)
BSD – Sterling is pure Lawful Evil. He’s all about the law, and not caring that the Leverage team does good.
Then Bonanno at Neutral Good, Nate at Chaotic Good, Maggie, as you mentioned, at LG. and you got a row done.
Lessee… Eliot at Lawful Neutral, Tara at Neutral, Parker at Chaotic Neutral….
Sterling at Lawful Evil, the Italian at Neutral Evil, and Chaos at CE. And there’s the ball game.
For MGK to use if he desires.
[…] favourite is the Big Bang Theory chart, shown above. More useful to the people I play with might be the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine chart, […]
[…] seen a lot of these recently. But one seemed to be […]
[…] from Mighty God King. Previously appeared on the Big Bad Blog in All About Alignment. AKPC_IDS += "7778,";If you […]
i dunno sheldon isn’t evil ,good or neutral,he’s just a “True douchebag” & it still baffles how any aquaintance of his didn’t try to put him down with a fucking pillow
Actually, Wil Wheaton isn’t CE. He’s LE, if you ask me. People being evil evil doesn’t make them chaotic. In fact, during my D&D days, I always considered LEs much eviler than CEs.
The Big Bang Theory is a nerd minstrel show.
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