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What about Jim Taggart on Eureka? Spent the pilot obsessed with catching a dog.

The series is great, it’s best described as the Warehouse 23 basement (http://www.warehouse23.com/basement/) where the best boxes are expanded into an episode.


Eureka is very hit and miss for me. Some really clever science fiction ideas, and some episodes that simply don’t pop at all.


I like the Terrible Stock Characters series already. Any chance we’ll see trading cards?


Dear God yes. That aspect of *Heroes* had my eyes just about rolling out of my head last Monday.

I am really looking forward to more stock character writeups.


Chuck has one too but there’s the more realistic manager as well: His motto (and I paraphrase) is ‘the better my staff is the longer naps I can take’. Worked for a few of those…


Almost every retail manager I ever had back in the day was a self-important dickface, but never anywhere near to the degree presented in Stock Characterville. It’s as bad as most portrayals of computer geeks.

I mean, they’d talk down to us, insist that we should care about stupid price or sales initiatives, should take stupid little ‘points games’ to get weak prizes in lieu of commission or better pay, and make up work for employees to do if they had finished regular tasks and had no customers. They were also generally people who had ended up in management jobs because they got a college degree with no idea what they wanted to do with it, and CompUSA or Wal-Mart was hiring.

Regional Managers, now those are the real devils.


I’ve worked for some breathtakingly bad retail managers in my time, I must admit. Most of them were ones who had bought into the lie they try to feed you: that if you’re obedient enough and zealous enough and work enough unpaid overtime and repeat the corporate philosophy enough times, you’ll be promoted up the ladder and become rich and happy. They’re the people who buy that crazy bullshit about “Your income is a measure of the value you provide to others” and so on, so they figure they’ll impress the “others” with money with their zeal and enthusiasm.

They are, in short, suckers.


You’re absolutely right, the retail cliche is completely overused. However, it is also what allows the idiots of North America to “relate” to the character and “Brings the character down to earth” – which is highly overrated in my opinion.

Penny Stock said on October 10th, 2007 at 12:48 am

Cool post on Terrible Stock Characters, #1 (in a series)!


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