La Peregrine is awesome. They should bring him back. (Preferably not to kill him immediately.)

Bahlactus once cracked an egg in Reno, just to watch it fry.
La Peregrine is awesome. They should bring him back. (Preferably not to kill him immediately.)
Bahlactus once cracked an egg in Reno, just to watch it fry.
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
"By MightyGodKing, we mean sexiest blog in western civilization."
-- Jenn
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[…] don’t put his hand on Mighty God King’s […]
Your link to The X-Axis is wrong. Should be
But if “Le Peregrine” came back, he would need a name which actually means something in his language.
It should be “Le Faucon pélerin“, or maybe just “Le Faucon”, I think. But then the Falcon, Cap’s sidekick, would sue.
Suckier than Nighthawk?
I agree. Angel is, as the kids say, t3h suxx0rz.
“Suckier than Nighthawk?”
At least Nighthawk is a poor man’s Batman. Angel is a poor man’s eagle.