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I’m tired of people dismissing Kucinich, but at least Edwards is less loathsome than Hillary Clinton and less disappointing than Obama has been during his campaign.


The only thing I’ll say for the campaign so far is it has cemented Ron Paul in the category of Jesus and the New England Patriots — not in the realm of divinity or perfection, it’s just that I want to be saved from his followers.

That said, Iowa’s right around the corner, and New Hampster soon after, and finally we’ll trim the field down to a much more manageable level and it’s about time.


The Obama campaign became an official joke the moment he brought Oprah along for the campaign. One can’t be shocked by this mix of celebrity and politics anymore. Ever since Bill brought home the gold by playing the sax on Arsenio Hall, every single politician has been trying to surround themselves with celebrity as well, but its still incredibly stupid.

Hillary just doesn’t have.. well… anything to make her a decent candidate other than she’d be the first woman president and that she’d put Bill back into the White House. The only reason that I’d want her to win is because I’d love to see my conservative mother flip the f*** out over this.

The RNC isn’t even trying this year. From the selection they’ve given us, its as if they’re actually trying hard to find someone who is worse than Bush. The only one who is making a shred of sense up there is the Creationist advocate Ron Paul.

Next November, whether he has the candidacy or not, I’m writing in Dennis Kucinich. I’m sick and tired of voting for the lesser evil in these things and dammit, this time, I’m going to walk out of the voting booth with a clear conscience.


If I were American, I’d vote Obama, the embarassing Oprah thing notwithstanding.

Since I’m Canadian, however, I will continue to vascillate between the Liberals and the NDP… despite the fact that I’m a card carrying member of the latter.

DarthJesus said on December 29th, 2007 at 1:36 am

I wonder what it’s like to be so interested in American politics and yet not have the ability to vote in American elections?


The entire world is interested in (or “concerned about”… whatever) American politics. But I for one am kinda glad I don’t have to try to figure it out, or feel responsible to, the American political system.

Tom Galloway said on December 29th, 2007 at 10:15 pm

The thing about Edwards is that I just don’t see anything there there. Of the candidates who I saw at Google, including backstage, he felt the most like an empty suit and didn’t seem inspiring at all. I mean, when I went in for my photo op, I said I’d graduated from Chapel Hill, to which his response was “I live there”. Nothing about running into a fellow Carolinian in California, or it being good for such to be at Google, or anything to try to make a connection beyond what I should’ve (and did) know already.

He also didn’t accomplish anything of note in his single Senate term, had a lackluster performance against Chaney in the debate, and frankly I don’t think he’d put North Carolina (with its significant number of electoral votes; it’s not CA, TX, FL, or NY, but it’s around the 9th most populous state) in play. If he’d run for Senate in 2004, it’s generally considered that he’d’ve been beaten.

And while he’s running on a populist platform, the house he had built and lives in outside of Chapel Hill isn’t the Biltmore House Mansion…but it’s running a close second for grandest and biggest house in NC (I’m probably exaggerating a bit with “close second”, but it’s huge and overwrought for the area). I just really don’t get a Presidential vibe off him at all.


And while he’s running on a populist platform, the house he had built and lives in outside of Chapel Hill isn’t the Biltmore House Mansion…but it’s running a close second for grandest and biggest house in NC

I’ve heard this criticism many times before and I never understand it. Since when are the rich not allowed to think poverty is a major problem? FDR was rich as Croesus and he did all right in this regard.


As to Edwards…he impressed me with the Health Forum. It’s run by groups that are interested in the Health Care issue, and each forum consists of 3 journalists and each candidate is given one hour to talk about their plan and answer questions. (Much better than a debate to find out where someone really stands, or at least says they stand.)

Check it out. So far they have Richardson, McCain, Biden, Kucinich, Clinton, and Edwards. And supposedly Dodd, Huckabee, Paul and Romney are upcoming. But given how close Iowa is, they may have cancelled.


Hillary just doesn’t have.. well… anything to make her a decent candidate other than she’d be the first woman president and that she’d put Bill back into the White House. The only reason that I’d want her to win is because I’d love to see my conservative mother flip the f*** out over this.

This is pretty hilarious, considering that Clinton was the closest thing we’ve had to an actual conservative in office in decades.


This is pretty hilarious, considering that Clinton was the closest thing we’ve had to an actual conservative in office in decades.

Bill Clinton and the office of the presidency, I mean.

Clearly it’s too early in the day to be clear on the first attempt.


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