1.) Wolfie’s forehead is frigging enormous. Is he a Klingon? Does the store manager loathe Trekkies? Is this anti-nerd discrimination?
2.) FUN AT HOME PROJECTS: Guess what ethnic group Wolfie is supposed to represent! Pick one of: Jewish, Italian, Hispanic, or “Asian.” Is it not shameful how lazy Wolfie is compared to the heroically Aryan Buzzy? Write an essay about how you wish you were Buzzy. Girls who do not wish to mystify their own genders may instead write an essay about how they wish they could marry Buzzy.
3.) Note that this advertisement was presented by the National Social Welfare Assembly. National Socialism. And you thought I was joking about Buzzy’s heroic Aryan nature!
4.) How much would you hate Buzzy if you had to work with him every day? Be honest. You would hate him a lot, wouldn’t you?
5.) HOMEWORK: If Dwight Schrute got into a knife-fight with Buzzy, who would win? Explain your reasoning.
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(FWIW, the NSWA was originally known as the National Social Work Council. It was later renamed the National Assembly for Social Policy and Development, which was later renamed the National Assembly of National Voluntary Health and Social Welfare Organizations, and was apparently relatively recently renamed the National Human Services Assembly)
Bonus Extra Credit – redraw with obvious races… reversed.
The really freaky thing about Buzzy is his expanding forehead. Compare his forehead in the first and second to last frame. I’m guessing that since there wasn’t a followup, either Buzzy developed psychokinetic powers and slaughtered everyone, or his head just exploded. Or both.
Damn – Wolfy, not Buzzy.
(Wolfy? What the heck kind of name is THAT?)
I admire Wolfie’s work ethic and would like to learn more. Also while I do not know who Dwight Schrute is, I never bet against a Dwight in a knife fight. Being named Dwight gives you a +4 on all knife attacks, both to hit and damage. This was shown with science in the great American socio-history-combat book Dwight Eisenhower: The Bar Battler Years. TRUE FACT!
There are two reasons not to do your best at any job:
1. Every dollar you make while working within a flawed system is a validation of that system.
2. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted.
Buzzy looks familiar.
I don’t get what’s happening on Monday.
I don’t think Wolfie’s supposed to be a Jew – judging from the style of art, the boss wouldn’t have a bigger nose than Wolfie if the cartoon’s intent is to be a subversive cartoon enlightening kids about the “dangers” of “lazy Jews.”
Andrew – check the clock. Wolfie’s just arriving ten minutes late. BECAUSE HE IS AN EVIL POSSIBLY-MINORITY.
How else would you know he’s “the bad one”? Honestly …
Dwight K. Schrute would win. Buzzy may be efficient and determined, but Dwight’s brain most likely contains an encyclopedia of lethal knife moves and wrist flicks. Also, he will most definitely have a minimum of 25 other weapons stashed in secret places in whatever location he and Buzzy are fighting in. And also, he is a wizard with pepper spray.
In short, Dwight is unstoppable. And also, just as Aryan.
More adventures of Buzzy and Wolfie:
The message I noticed was the bootlicking servility and complete slavishness shown to the “grocer” (read: The Man) to earn your pittance, so that in the distant future when the best years of your life are spent delivering flour and sugar they might “work him into other jobs around here”.
But hey, that’s just what I saw.
The answer is obvious.
Wolfie is a unicorn. The grocer is clearly unicorn-racist.
(Or unicorn-vampire-acist, if widow’s peaks mean what I think they used to.)
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