Some people I know asked me to give Eat-A-Rama a whirl (DISCLAIMER: I am posting about it for free, because I like it), and I am extremely impressed.
The nickel summary is that it’s a Facebook app that uses the collective Facebook populace to review restaurants. The system is fluid and extremely easy to use (with a fancy interactive map), you can choose to weight the opinions of your friends higher, and it has a good tagging system. Bottom line, it’s just a good app for Facebook users, and I have to recommend it highly.
Even better, right now, for every five people who join, they’re donating a dollar to local food banks. So give it a whirl. It is MGK-Approvedtm.
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2 users responded in this post
Hate them, actually. I routinely ignore all pokes, bites, hugs and snogs (do they have snogs? Probably. Who cares?) and just use FaceBook for the messaging. Makes it sufficiently non-irritating that I haven’t just dumped it completely.
[…] “Some people I know asked me to give Eat-A-Rama a whirl… and I am extremely impressed.” […]