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Surely Porcupine’s old super suit is lying in the rubble of Avengers Mansion?


I suppose it’s also worth pointing out that most of Superdickery is cover images, designed to catch the reader’s attention with some bizarre and shocking situation, and that the stories inside always had some more-benevolent explanation as to what was going on.

Sage Freehaven said on January 9th, 2008 at 5:50 pm

“Also, bring back that awesome new costume [Taskmaster] got in the early 2000’s.”

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who liked that costume.


Yes, most of the Superdickery stuff takes moments out of context for humor value. Superman usually had a good (if convoluted) reason to do the insane things he did, and everything was always cool by the end of the issue.

motteditor said on January 9th, 2008 at 9:45 pm

I’d buy most of that Seven Soldiers effort. Jocasta, Porcupine, Gargoyle and especially Shamrock intrigue me the most, though I’d probably at least check out the rest.


I, too, love the Udon suit for task master. It’s what he wears to get beat up but Power Pack and WW2 vets!


The only problem I see with the Seven Soldiers bit is that Taskmaster, when written right, is a very ‘big’ character. He’s got presence. He easily outshines all the other characters in terms of experience, reputation, and “ain’t it cool” factor.

I’d buy a mini of The Porcupine, though.


I see Taskmaster filling the Zatanna slot as “C-lister with draw factor.” (Don’t get me wrong, I loves me the shit out of some Taskmaster, but he’s C-list.) The beauty of Seven Soldiers was that Zatanna, despite being the “biggest” character in it, was arguably outshined by Klarion, Frankenstein and Shining Knight, because Morrison had the good sense to not treat his Z-listers as unimportant.


And all of the blogs that show panel by panel and recap things blow by blow? Or the panels that superdickery used? Even if the covers are out of context, it doesn’t establish whether the heroes were as heroic as a lot of comic readers assert.


Three Cheers for UDON Taskmaster! Great costume, pretty cool miniseries to boot.


Re: Taskmaster’s Udon Costume – Thirded (Fourthed?)

As for Superdickery, yes, it takes things out of context, but a couple of stories behind the covers were posted on scans_daily and honestly, the context isn’t much better.


I’ve gotta disagree with you on the whole voting issue. Spoiling your ballot and not voting are essentially the same thing, in that spoiled ballots are pretty much only tallied for the sake of completeness before being totally disregarded. Why go to the extra effort when it won’t make a lick of difference? Principle?


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