NAME Stealth
FAVORITE MOVE The quick counter-attack you never see coming
SLIGHTLY LESS FAVOURITE MOVE The slow counter-attack you totally see coming
HOW DID STEALTH BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, snapped and killed three opposing cheerleaders during tense playoff game; NBC, airing the game, thought she had “potential” and convinced families to drop charges

NAME Mayhem
RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Subfaction of Rastafarianism: “We smoke crystal meth for our rituals rather than pot. Keeps you active, you know what I’m – AGGGH GET THE SPIDERS OFF ME GET THEM OFF ME GET THEM OFF ME”
STEROIDS? No comment
FAVORITE EVENT Pyramid: “It represents Jah’s will for humanity to reach its own pinnacle, and AHHHH THE SPIDERS ARE BAAAAAACK AGH AGH AGH”
HOW DID MAYHEM BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Mayhem is the illegitimate son of famous contestant Wesley “Two Scoops” Berry, and from the age of six was determined to become an American Gladiator

NAME Venom
ACTUALLY POISONOUS? “No, and if that bitch Stealth said anything, you tell her I said she was a lesbo.”
FAVORITE EVENT “Whichever is the one where I have the gun and shoot people and don’t have to run around. It has a name, right?”
TEN-YEAR PLAN Rise to fame and fortune through American Gladiating while obtaining law degree, run for public office, pass environmental reform laws, marry, have three adorable children
HOW DID VENOM BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Father is executive director of NBC’s sports division

NAME Titan
FAVOURITE EVENT “Any time I can brutally injure an opponent, then celebrate his hardiness as he’s taken out on a stretcher and get the fans to cheer him? That’ll do. Doesn’t matter what event it is. It’s about the little things, you know?”
REJECTED GLADIATOR NAMES Supreme, Pride, Overman, Hitler
SECRET AMBITION A wild threeway with Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali
HOW DID TITAN BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Gladiated part-time at the amateur level in Japan for three years while working way through cooking school; turned pro this year when “discovered” by a NBC executive on a sushi tour

NAME Crush
PET PEEVE “Look, a sign saying “I have a crush on Crush,” that’s fine, I don’t have a problem with that. But I’m really sick of the guys bringing the signs that say “I want to assfuck Crush.” What the hell.”
HOURS SPENT TRAINING EVERY DAY More than you, probably
HOW DID CRUSH BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Majored in physical education at Wesleyan, wrote master’s thesis on the “Bronco gambit,” named after that American Gladiator’s unique Hang Tough strategem; passed up tenure in order to compete on show

NAME Justice
VIGILANTE BY NIGHT? Yes Definitely not
FITNESS TIP “Don’t be a disgusting fatty. Nobody will ever love you.”
HOW DID JUSTICE BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Answered want-ad in the back of Gladius magazine

NAME Hellga
NAMES OF OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS Father Thaddieus; sister Clawdia; brother Mark (middle name: Fordeath), cousin-by-marriage Frank
BACKGROUND “Mutter not happy mit Hellga ven I beating up all children at school; Poppa train me, let me wrestle bears, ja? Is gut! Hellga liking zer bears!”
REASON HAIR NOT IN PIGTAILS She strangled an assistant director with them during the initial pilot shoot
HOW DID HELLGA BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? With a name like “Hellga,” how could she not become an American Gladiator, is the question

HOW DID TOA BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Was poised to become a professional wrestler, but before signing contract with WWE, opted for career with slightly more dignity

FAVORITE EVENT “Atlasphere, the one where you’re inside the giant hamster balls, and – what do you mean “that’s not on the show this year?” Oh, fucking…”
ATTITUDE Surprisingly calm and relaxed
FAVORITE MEAL A balanced selection of greens, fruit juice, and a mammoth rib-eye steak
HOW DID FURY BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Gladiated in high school in rural Ohio, got college scholarship, but blew out knee in first year; went into physical therapy and fought way back to semi-professional status, and was picked up by the show as a replacement for Slice when latter “fell prey to exhaustion”

NAME Militia
FULL NAME Thurgood Militia Franklin III
REJECTED TAGLINES FOR MILITIA PRIOR TO SETTLING ON “WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOW” “He’ll violently overthrow… you!“; “Protecting your Constitutional rights… whether you want him to or not!”; “Watch out, Oklahoma City!”
SECRET FEAR People making fun of his sash
HOW DID MILITIA BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Called up from the cast of Belgian Gladiators

NAME Siren
HOBBIES Macrame, collects paintings of fuzzy kittens
HOW DID SIREN BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Played college Powerball for three years and was prepared to jump to the WPBA, but that league folded just before her draft season; cross-trained to become proficient in all gladiating activities and switched career tracks

INTERESTS “Chicks, chicks, chicks, and booze”
PROFESSIONAL GOALS To extend trademark “wolf howl” to six syllables in length
STEROIDS? “I will inject absolutely anything into my veins. An-y-thing.”
HOW DID WOLF BECOME AN AMERICAN GLADIATOR? Awoke in NBC Studios back alley, hung over and naked; found outfit, put it on, and “you know what they say… sometimes you find the job, sometimes the job finds you.”
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26 users responded in this post
Is… is Toa wearing a skort?
Note to Mayhem and Titan: belly shirts on men do not make you look tough.
And Stealth? Totally a man. Her shoulders are wider than her hips and she has no waist at all.
Maybe that’s why “she” is called Stealth….
You know, a co-worker tried to get me to watch AG. I’ve since blocked him from IMs. ๐
fuckin’ incredible. this is one of those “why didn’t i think?” of that moments.
toa is the rock’s stunt double — http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0715708/
his imdb profile pic, looks like a namor headshot.
@Palette — stealth is like, 4’8″ so her proportions are gonna look weird — you should have seen what she looked like when she was in competition shape.
I’m not sure i can ever watch the show (I’d miss Nitro and Gemini too much), but man. Wolf, you are like some sad yet awesome made-for-TV Sabretooth. Please don’t ever change!
Wolf = win. End of discussion.
Okay, they totally copied Wolf from the British show that was copied from American Gladiators back in the 1990s. Does that still count as copying?
Hey, end of civilization! Whassup, m’man! I’ve been, like, waiting for you, dude!
No Atlasphere? What kind of gladiator game is that? Next you’ll be saying they’ve removed the fighting with giant Q-Tips on the tops of pillars.
Hm, in retrospect, I get more of a Stargate vibe from Toa than The Mummy.
I’m deeply troubled by Mayhem. It wasn’t until he was referred to as “son” that I was sure what to think. I mean, above the waist, it could go either way – dude, or dude-like female body builder. Then, the way he’s standing makes his package stand out . . . oh God, my head hurts . . .
Wow, suddenly One More Day seems like a cool idea!
They still got the q-tips, but they’re only doing it with the women thus far. I say, put a SCAdian on that event against any gladiator. Even if he’s hairy and got three chins, I’ll stick my money on the SCA guy.
Damn. Hellga and Fury are hot. I love muscle women. That’s just 5 flavors of yum.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=HshFoAkHppo look who superman is lol.
And they had the Q tips with the men @ zenrage the guy just lost horrendously when he got himself DQed twice in a row. It was the mayhem guy who looks like a robot.
That dude Titan is the single gayest looking dude I have ever laid eyes on. Was he a gay porn star? For serious.
Now you need to give the three-cent version of wtf American Gladiator is to those of us without television or pop-cultural awareness. Reality TV? Drama/Sci-Fi? UFC?
Reality TV, sort of. It was a contest show, ordinary joes and janes pitted against these types of folks in obstacle courses, boffa-combat, and other sporting events.
Charlotte: As always, youtube is your friend.
Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLfACqLDeTM
10 minutes sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGUHvUzIic8
Is it possible to cringe yourself inside out? Good lord. My only defense is that I was, like, 8.
This show needs a Malibu Jr. Where is the Gladiator who is all about the power of California pseudo-Zen?
I can’t believe no one is named “Tower”.
There was a Tower on the original 1989-96 program, actually.
Are you sure Wolf isn’t just Alan Moore on steroids?
Lol@ the titan gay thing me and my sister basically said that the first time we saw him too.
However apparently Militia is the gay one according to internet thignies.
Or atleast gay for pay. Just google it.
Gladiators is basically the professional wrestling of extreme sports. Cheesy “god like” beings are pitted against regular people in competitions that usually involve the gladiators beating them up with large foam objects or someone being dunked in a pit of water*in some cases both* They compete for points which are mostly useless since it gives a minimal lead in the final event unless one person sucks at everything.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koo9B5Bp_Gk this was probably the most entertaining one so far of that.
Anyway whoever wins competes again in a later episode (or something like that) until you get a winner. Its porbably fixed its cheesy as hell. But its completly utterly hilarious.
Way to go FURY.. my gal. She sure fits the part of a Gladiator if you dont know her. … she, like I have it in the blood for this type of competiton. I DID kick her ass though… would LOVE to be a Gladiator BUT IM CANADIAN.. cant compete… so I will just have to wait until the next http://www.femsport.tv show to kick her ass again!! For all of you who dont have respect for the sport…you try it without giving up or puking!! lol.. ah… such fun. xo
i am a canadian citizen, and on the canadian olympic team. am i allowed to compete on american gladiator
I think they SHOULD allow Colin Daynes to compete. Why not? Isn’t that what NAFTA is all about? You go CUZ!
Have you seen the new UK Gladiators. its very bizzarro world. its like american gladiators only everyone’s so polite and the gladiators are sometimes self depricating. I just heard a woman built like a tank named Enigma say, “I’m so mad at myself for that last event, well good luck next go” and apparently there’s one called atlas and this is his announcer blurb “His muscles are only surpassed by his manners, the gentleman gladiator- Atlas” This is too damn surreal.
And they’re oddly eco friendly
crush is beautifull i`m from mexico mi name is lain