A woolly mammoth appears, hell-bent on destruction! What do you do? What do you do?

Well, maybe you nut up, if your name happens to be Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
A woolly mammoth appears, hell-bent on destruction! What do you do? What do you do?
Well, maybe you nut up, if your name happens to be Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
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That’s not a woolly mammoth! It’s an elephant with a bad toupee.
Seems like this elephant forgot…. not to fuck with the Wonder Dog.
I hope Rex isn’t trying to mount it.
Rob: He’s an alpha male.
I think the elephant is about to deep throat his own trunk.
Kyle: so he is, so he is. ๐
Perhaps Rex realizes that all the bald mammoth needs is a little lovin’ to calm it down and make it view the world in a more positive light, as a place where happiness and enlightenment can be attained by other means than trampling all over unconscious boys.
Sex with Rex has this effect, regardless of species, because it is REX.
(NOT that I am volunteering to help demonstrate, mind you.)
I saw Wall-E last Friday, and they had a preview for the movie Bolt. My initial thoughts as I was sitting through it were “Oh my god…! Someone’s making a movie about Rex the Wonder Dog!”
You’re a bad influence on me.
Huh. My first thought was: No way this guy could deal with Rex the mother@#%#ing Wonder Dog.
Of course, once the film started, my thoughts were: This may be one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.
I still say you need to write Rex vs. Squirrel Girl. TWO WILL ENTER, ONE WILL LEAVE. (WITH THEIR NUTS.)
(Hee hee.)
what the heck is wrong with marv alpert? oh, thats a wooly mammoth? huh.