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Maybe I’ve been spoiled, but Supernatural just ain’t no Buffy. I was generally underwhelmed.


It does have Jeffry Dean Morgan though. (Starting…I think, his habit of playing DOA characters – Winchester, Denny Duquette, the Dad in Weeds, and the Comedian)


I preferred Angel to Buffy, myself. I didn’t really get into Supernatural until Season 2, and it’s been really good. Sam losing his shoe and Dean saying “I’m Batman” beat out anything in Buffy that’s stuck with me. I hope Supernatural doesn’t become the trainwreck Buffy did at the end.


Supernatural is one of the best shows on television, not to mention one of the most cleverly written. The characters are well developed. The dialogue is freaking genius. Even the worst episode of Supernatural is still better than a majority of what you’ll find on T.V. It ranks up there with Firefly as my most favorite T.V. show of all time.


You’re doing a great job at convincing me to catch up on my shows. I’ve not seen Supernatural and I’m an old school Doctor Who fan but haven’t seen much of the new series. Your Gaiman glee fills me with hope for both by association.


@Zifnab: I never caught Buffy when it was on. Then again, I went in with lowered expectations (I always except very little of television) and was thrilled.

@Dave: Really? The Comedian? Hmmm. You’re making me reconsider my Watchmen stance.

@Andrew: I loved the moment during the most recent trickster episode when he head-bopped to Asia. Ha!

@Randy: obviously, I quite concur. Totally agree on the writing, too. It’s the one way television and cinema can trump fiction; Elmore Leonard writes dialogue great enough it pops on the page, but just not in the same way Sam and Dean can bicker.

@Wendy: Ironically, I barely watch any television. This all came from DVD sets and etc. But yeah, totally.


Supernatural, like most sci-fi shows, are always better when they do the “monster-of-the-week” thing instead of the “overhyped-long-term-plot-line-that-will-only-be-hinted-at-every-third-episode-until-its-final-
anti-climactic-ending-that-will-ultimately-disappoint-everyone” thing

My favorite Supernatural episode was the one where Sam and Dean square off against the holiday gods and Dean, after being told to say “fudge” instead of swearing by the little old lady cutting at him with a knife, blurts out “If you fudging touch me again, I’m going to fudging kill you, lady.”


One of the funniest TV moments ever: Frat boy slow dancing with a “gray” alien to Lady in Red.


Supernatural‘s subplot with Gordon Walker was a lot more interesting than any of the longer/bigger arcs I can remember.

I was pleased how Dean’s deal ended up, though. I kind of expected it to end another way, though I’d forgotten about the cliffhanger nature of the season endings.


I liked the episode with the mind control siblings. And the pilot had a wonderfully creepy ending. Other than that the show mostly underwhelms me…


Sad to say, with Supernatural, I’ve been put off by the fandom, like the people put off Buffy by the Whedonites. It may take years for me to get past it.
Also, Rowling…. really? Got to say, I read and enjoyed them all, but, while competent and all, she certainly doesn’t rate the “genius” tag (not that I’m saying you said that, but people have…), and largely fluked out in writing the right thing at the right time. Pratchett, for one example from your list, I consider significantly more clever and imaginative.


At least he didn’t say Terry Goodkind.


@Jack: there’s a Supernatural fandom? Really? I’d barely read anything about the show prior to a few weeks ago. I literally watched all three seasons in the past month.

Then again: I’m not big on fandom. Never have been. I’ve heard people say that when they finally encountered fandom, they felt they had found their tribe, and I had much the opposite reaction: not mine.

And yes on Rowling. I don’t know about “genius,” or anything, but I think the HP series is a pretty perfect embodiment of Joseph Campbell and hero mythology. A bit in the way of Shakespeare: she took a lot of material a lot of other people had used and reformed and remade it into something extraordinarily powerful.

@Zenrage: that hyphenated adjective was spot-on. I haven’t watched the Christmas episode yet; I’m saving that one for the holidays.

@Andrew: who?


there’s a Supernatural fandom? Really?

Dude. C’mon. Stuff has fandoms. This isn’t uncommon.

I’ve heard anecdotally that the Supernatural fandom tends to have a lot of slash fanfiction. Sam + Dean or Dean + Dad or Sam + Dean + Dad = Gay sex.


I can’t in good conscience explain; he’s that terrible an author.


@Andrew: well, yeah, and I usually find my way around the Internet well enough to find it. Like, I read io9 and such, and know of a few shows, at any rate. But I thought that whole crowd was more concerned with the utterly awful Middleman to focus much attention on a rockin’ show like Supernatural.

And file slash fanfiction under the ole’ “shit I don’t get” category.

I mean, seriously: shudder.

Though that’s not to say I disbelieve it. Which is, perhaps, one of the reasons I find much of fandom a bit on the creepy side of the spectrum.


Frankly, I couldn’t care less whether middle-aged women get off on writing gay porn about their favourite characters, what put me off is the way some will decide that one of their imagined pairings are true and defend them to the point of attacking anyone who disagrees (or just doesn’t agree enough with them), or even attacking the show for doing anything that threatens to give a character a girlfriend or whatever. This happens in other fandoms, but somehow Supernatural has developed a super-virulent pocket of it in its short life. I encountered this during a period when I was into reading about the extremes of crazy fans on sites like “Fandom Wank”.
And, I know that this will make me sound like a bit of a dick, but I’m glad that nobody said anything about Campbell’s hero’s journey relating to the Harry Potter books before I read them, because that’s generally guaranteed to put me off. Not because I have anything against Campbell himself or his ideas themselves, but because of all the times it’s been used as an excuse for lazy, under-written crap like the Star Wars prequels.


Randal Graves: And how come Obi-Wan tells Luke that Yoda is the Jedi that trained him, but in the movie Liam Neeson trains Obi-Wan?
George Lucas: Uh, well, the power of myth…
Randal Graves: Isn’t it true you knew this was a bad movie, that you wrote it over a weekend but kept telling people it was done for years?
Lawyer: Objection, your honor. The pod race was pretty cool.

Thank you, Jack, for taking me back to the fourth episode of Clerks. Though I suppose I could just pop in the tape for that.

I’ll get around to watching this show when I have the income for DVD purchase/rental. If I wasn’t so steadfast regarding TV continuity I’d just watch reruns.

How would Reaper relate to the monster-of-the-week rule, since every episode has one of those and a running sub-plot (like House+violence, but not as good)? Sam resolves those things way too easily with the help of engineering by the damned and stolen hardware supplies.

ladypeyton said on July 21st, 2008 at 10:09 am

@Will Entrekin: “And file slash fanfiction under the ole’ “shit I don’t get” category.” Really? You’ve never fantasized about two women having sex? You really thought only men had those types of fantasies? Really? It’s not my cuppa but I understand why it exists.

Supernatural is defintiely no Buffy and Buffy was no Supernatural. I think they’re both brilliant and hugely enjoyable shows, though. My favorite? The Ghost Chasers. Massively goofy yet highly scary is a weakness of mine.

I can’t wait to see how Dean gets out of this mess and hope the show continues forever or at least as long as Dean’s pouty lips hold out.


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