EDIT TO ADD: You know, I am horribly shocked that nobody here seems to know about Best Of Craigslist, which is how you find about things like this guy, or the guy who wants to lease out his banana slugs, or especially the guy who wants to fuck a girl while she plays Super Mario Brothers and come during the fireworks at the end of the level.
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24 users responded in this post
There is no word to describe the mixture of beauty and terror I am experiencing right now. I do believe this is what men mean when they look upon the very face of God.
I wonder what anyone taking this up would get if he looked like McCain.
That man is my hero.
Then you might get a bunch of responses from senator Larry Craig.
I wasn’t aware that you could arrange one night stands over Craigslist. The more you know!
Aww, that’s sweet.
I have not the words… “Made of win” might cover it.
Dare I ask why you were looking at “men seeking men” in the Houston Craigslist to begin with?
I didn’t even know they sold Obama masks. I wonder if it’s a full-head sculpt, or like one of those plastic cheap-ass things with straps on the back that you used to wear to go trick-or-treating, the ones with the sharp cutout edges on the inside so they scratched up your eyelids so bad it looked like you got attacked by a raccoon.
I don’t get it.
Well, shit. Let us know how it goes, I guess.
As amusing as this, and the muppet sex thing, is (are?) I do detect the faint whiff of hoak over some of them. I supose the only way to know is if they actually post pictures of their hook up afterwards. Good luck to the filthy filthy perverts I say.
*blinks* Well okay then. I guess you can ask for anything there… Evidently Best Of Craigslist should be fun.
Someone forward this to Limbaugh and Murdoch.
I’m speechless. And yet, puzzlingly, I leave a comment.
Thank you for linking me to best of craigslist. That plus superdickery provided me with hours of laughter last night.
I’m not sure if Best of Craigslist makes me hate the human race or love it.
Holy crap, it’s like a goldmine of crazy!
http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/726200477.html (no idea on what tags, can’t be bothered to find out/trial and error it)
This man is the luckiest man in the world.
Ah, auto link. I feel like a fool.
Dan, you have to love the human race for this. Those postings are the epitome of avant-garde. See, as long as you consider it art instead of possible confirmation that we are not smarter than monkeys, it reaffirms your belief that some of us have the capacity to appreciate the absurd.
I should respond to that banana slug guy and wonder WTF one is supposed to do with Banana slugs…I know some people race em but there’s really no point to them. They just ruin gardens.
Now if he was REALLY smart he’d lease out his worms to floral shops and green houses.
My fave one tho is this one: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/min/733317143.html
Sounds like MY neighbors. Only this guy has only had a year of stomping and hearing said neighbor go to the bathroom at all hours of the night. I’ve had 4 years of the fun. Course it doesn’t help when his signifigant other is babysitting kids…who run around for hours and hours….
So his plan is to have sex with a girl for four levels of Super Mario Bros.? That’s like five minutes at the most.
So his plan is to have sex with a girl for four levels of Super Mario Bros.? That’s like five minutes at the most.
No. Honey, don’t stop for the secret bonus level. I don’t think I can make it.