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they are 17, I don’t think they really thought of having a career in KFC and so now have internet fame, which in today’s society could get them onto big brother or some such thing. However if it was me I would now do something similar but I would not do it in a KFC restaurant that employed me but fake the pictures that it was, then release them on the web and when fired sue KFC from wrongful Dismissal as I was not doing anything in their equipment making sure I had proof as to how I fake the thing. Any good lawyer should be able to get some decent scratch for that. And it shouldn’t be too hard to fake


Interestingly, the first reaction I had that wasn’t along the lines of “uhh…ew” or “thank God I have never eaten at an American KFC” was: If these girls were babes, there probably would have been a lot less “what dipsh*ts” and more “come work at MY neighborhood KFC” going on (from the internet at large, that is, not from the restaurant management- at least, I hope). Which is how the world (and the internet) works. But still…sigh.
That said- what absolute dipsh*ts.


I’m sure they were fired for a health code violation, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out how it applied to this.


My advice to would-be fast food bathers (including the guy who did it at Burger King) is that if you’re going to do this, take the pictures, keep them under wraps until you quit and get a new job, and then post them on the net for lulz. That way, the restaurant still comes under fire for health code violations, but it’s too late for them to take action against you.

I do think it’s funny that people are acting like this makes the food at the given restaurant gross because somebody’s taint was in the same sink they wash dishes in. Setting aside that they clean the thing every night, the only other stuff that goes in that sink would be dirty trays soiled by customers and utensils that were used to handle uncooked meat. Containing filthy things is sort of what sinks are for.


Those sinks have big pressure jets in them to turn the water over and wash the dishes without a human having to scrub them. When I worked at Wendy’s about half the crew was tempted (and said so) to jump in when the water was clean and have a nice soak.

The health code whiners are such a joke. The US health code for restaurants is incredibly bloated not because it’s needed to keep people safe, but simply to protect against lawsuits.

There are large parts of the world that still use open markets, with freshly slain animals hanging in the air, fruits and vegetables not in coolers, dairy ripening in the shade. Is it less safe than what we have? Sure. Is it unsafe? Not really.


I just wish they were sexier.

Or making out.


The girl’s got one HUGE forhead. It’s practically a five-head.


Is it normal to refer to people as “dimwits” in a news report?


Ew. I hope they went home and took a long hot shower after that dip. The grey water they were soaking in didn’t look sanitary at all.



Ya know, there is a joke about the taste of KFC gravy in here somewhere – I just know it.


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