John McCain
Smoothies that come in a bottle
Youtube videos where the editor takes a metal or gangsta rap song and has animated characters or Muppets “sing” the words
Pretending to care about Jennifer Aniston
Heidi and Spencer
Pomengranate anything
Scarlett Johannson’s musical ambitions
Critical analysis of Grand Theft Auto games as they relate to popular culture
Jokes about Amy Winehouse involving the word “rehab”
Respecting the New York Yankees’ business skills
Jim Carrey
Verbally masturbating to how awesome Jack Kirby comics are
Hummers (the car)
Hummers (the slang term for blowjobs)
Facebook parody sites
Related Articles
34 users responded in this post
Can I add the obvious?
The Skrulls will be back. Once Marvel need another excuse for their shitty continuity keeping. So, five minutes?
I’ll agree with everything except Smoothies in bottles. Innocent Smoothies are a gift from God and you WILL love them!
Can we leave Sarah Palin behind, too?
I think we try to leave him behind every year, but can we also add Tom Cruise/Scientology/Katie Holmes?
I’m never gonna give you up!
She’s on lay away till 2012.
Verbally masturbating to how awesome Jack Kirby comics are
I hope someone forwards this memo to Grant Morrison
We will never be rid of Sarah Palin. She’s the new Britney Spears. Every socially ass-backwards thing this white trash bimbo and her family even hints at doing will be splashed across the front page of every liberal* magazine
*because using stories that sell newspapers is obviously part of an evil, evil liberal conspiracy** that only seems to involve socially irresponsible capitalism.
**Its obviously a conspiracy when they attack right wingers***. When its a left winger (or a right-winger conveniently mislabeled as a left-winger) being put through the wringer, its fair and balanced.
***Its obviously not their fault that right wingers can’t keep their hands clean**** for more than three months. Its obviously Bill Clinton’s fault.
****Another EVIL Liberal Conspiracy. How dare the socialist liberal government agencies tell us that we should wash our hands every time we leave the bathroom. We should be able to live our lives free of big government.
I’m done now. 🙂
Vs. System.
(It seems to be all over but the shouting.)
If John McCain hawked bottled smoothies on YouTube with an ad where he gets into a gangsta rap battle with an anime character, I would approve.
What’s wrong with Pomengranates? They’re a good 3rd world money crop, they’re mythic, and the juice works well as a mixer.
And, as above, we’re going to need Sarah Palin to kick around some more.
Hey, I don’t wanna leave hummers behind…
And I loved the rant about Tony Stark being able to build sh-t in a cave, with a box of Lucky Charms. or something to that effect.
Green Tea with Pomegranate tastes like previously chewed bubble gum.
Add to this list the phrase “Nuking the fridge”, please.
Poor Jim Carrey. Poor Jack Kirby.
I propose also:
>> Verbally masturbating to how awesome Grant Morrison comics are. Seriously – the way some people talk you’d think that even Bulletteer’s shiny cleavage has deep metatextual significances.
This post was my introduction to the “TONY STARK etc.” Youtube phenomenon. That’s 1:45 of my life that I’ll never get back…
…hummers? Never heard that one before either.
I’m not sure about pomengranates but pomegranates rock since it’s the only juice I’ve found I can drink without getting acid indigestion and I need *something* to mix with the gin.
I left Jack Kirby behind decades ago. I’ve never been a huge fan of his work.
There. I said it.
actually, pomengranate tequila is quite tasty.
Can we just not talk about how any video games relate to popular culture? I want my Xbox back in its bubble.
The Skrulls will be back. Once Marvel need another excuse for their shitty continuity keeping. So, five minutes?
I’m not sure what this means. Say what you will about Secret Invasion (and I’ll probably agree with most of it), but one thing you have to give Bendis credit for, is that he didn’t use the story as an excuse to retcon anything. The resurrection of Mockingbird is the only retcon I can remember.
Do I still have to respect the Red Sox or any other Bahstan team in 2009?
I still don’t get why they’d duplicate Wonder Man. I mean, he’s energy. You’d think that would show up on a test. And he’s just really special powers-wise. I like him, but still. And why dupe Cap. They knew that we knew that it wasn’t the real Cap.
you can’t leave Tony building things out of scrap, but yes I move to leave the rickroll in 2008 because it can never be done better then it was here!
Leave behind Yu-Gi-Oh? But I just discovered Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. It’s great for anybody who has fond memories of the original series.
You’re crazy. Jack Kirby and blow jobs are great. There are days when I don’t get out of bed because I cannot decide which one I should dedicate the majority of my focus to.
Sorry, I just discovered Pomegranate 7-Up and I’ll be drinking it throughout 09 (or until they discontinue it).
I’ll be sensible and assume you’re acknowledging that Jack Kirby was an amazing and talented creator; you’re just sick of people who treat Jack Kirby fandom as though it were interesting in and of itself. “Hey, have I mentioned how much I like Jack Kirby lately? He’s crazy mad awesome, dawg!”
I, personally, would like to leave behind Frank Miller, Joe the Plumber, Frank Miller, Battlestar Galactica (and I’ll almost get my wish!), Frank Miller, the Republican Party, Frank Miller and Frank Miller. 🙂
clay: What I meant was that Marvel has such a poor grasp on it’s own continuity that it needs to have a fix every five minutes. And the Skrulls are a good fix because any off character moment can be attributed to them, like Doombots for everyone. I tried my hardest to avoid anything with the words Secret Invasion on them, so while I don’t like the series, it’s got more to do with my opinion of Bendis being a terrible writer then it does anything actually in the series, so I wasn’t blaming Bendis specifically but Marvel editorial in general.
And the Skrulls are a good fix because any off character moment can be attributed to them, like Doombots for everyone.
This is my point. The Skrulls COULD HAVE been used to retcon a lot of dubious behavior the past few years. I think it’s somewhat admirable that they chose not to go that route.
Again, I’m not trying to defend Secret Invasion – which I thought was all right, but so much less than it could have been. Eh, I doubt anyone’s still reading this thread anyway.
Am I allowed to still enjoy the remix version?
This is my point. The Skrulls COULD HAVE been used to retcon a lot of dubious behavior the past few years. I think it’s somewhat admirable that they chose not to go that route.
If by “admirable” you mean “balls-ass retarded” then sure, it’s totally admirable that they decided to leave all their awful, nonsensical continuity in place instead of flushing it down a hole like any decent bunch of human beings would have done.
Message to T-Pain, Lil’Wayne, Kanye, or whoever else wants to put robotic vocals in their shit: IT WASN’T EVEN THAT CLEVER WHEN CHER DID IT YEARS AGO!
Smoothies that come in a bottle
Youtube videos where the editor takes a metal or gangsta rap song and has animated characters or Muppets “sing” the words
Pomengranate anything
Scarlett Johannson’s musical ambitions
Verbally masturbating to how awesome Jack Kirby comics are
Hummers (the slang term for blowjobs)
lol sorry for ruining your interwebs but maybe I’m just too REAL for you.
(Also pomegranates are delicious, nutritious, and when eaten raw an excellent exercise in patience. fuiud.)
Woah woah woah. Pomegranates, while obnoxiously ubiquitous in beverages, are delicious.
Also, I’m not prepared to dispense with ANY blowjob euphemism EVER. Especially one with an added specification!