Top comment: And I bet Mel Gibson’s dad STILL denies that any of this really happened! — Cookie McCool
Top comment: And I bet Mel Gibson’s dad STILL denies that any of this really happened! — Cookie McCool
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The only way this can be improved if Fury was played by Samuel “Motherfucking” Jackson.
Or not. The IDEA of Sam Jackson is so much better then Sam Jackson actually acting. So while comic Sam Jackson Is badass real one is not.
If you have to make your transparent space helmet big enough to accommodate your hat, you might just have premature baldness issues.
Is Fury smoking a cigar inside of his space helmet?
Because if he is, that raises this cover from Amazingly Awesome to Unbearably Awesome.
Space-War… just beautiful
Does this mean we get a red alien with a Hitler moustache?
Because really, unless Sgt. Fury gets to fight Space Hitler what the hell is the point?
@Harvey: He is. Holy crap.
Also that black fellow on the left appears to be smoking a pink dildo from this angle.
As long as Ennis doesn’t write it.
The red aliens could be the Japanese. Or… uh… you know what? I just don’t even know anymore. This is like a Harry Turtledove novel’s retarded stepchild.
Illuyankas: That’s actually a bugle, which he is using as a sonic weapon in SPACE.
Nick Fury is so tough, he can order his subordinates to blow a bugle in space, which will be heard.
Nick Fury > Chuck Norris
How many covers feature the main character shooting someone through the heart?
Apparently, if we’re going by the little blurb at the bottom, the original Star Trek series never happened in this alternate universe.
Of course not. They were too busy watching the adventures of Sgt. Fury.
Nick Fury Fact #265
When a radioactive spider bites Nick Fury, the spider gains the proportional strength of Sgt. Fury and all insect life ends. Forever.
Sixty cents for a comic?! I wouldn’t be caught dead with such a rag. I bet that’s the only cover for that issue, too!
In a tale so unbelieveable, we could only call it.. “Space Nazis Must Die!”
I would sell Flapjacks to Seagal to make this happen. Also it should have ROM and Rocket Raccoon. They can be the..um..French. And English. Yeah…
Is that a space cigar? That is a space cigar. And a space bugle. And a space hat.
I like the alien turning to stare at us with one blue eye and pointing. He’s totally justifying why his people are being so badly whupped.
Look at the tired, disdainful expressions on the reptilian aliens’ faces. Even they know this is a mistake.
Also, I wan a Sgt. Nick Fury brand space war gun that shoots impaling twizzlers.
He has a fucking cigar. A Cigar in his helmet? Where does the ash go? Maybe Fury doesn’t smoke the cigar, he just eats the fucking thing!
Part of me wants Rex the Motherfucking Wonder-Dog involved with this somehow, but another part of me knows that the resulting awesome would make my head explode.
That is a sonic laser bugle. Activated by the force of his breath. From inside his helmet.
I believe the helmets aren’t actually made of glass. They must be some kind of semi-permeable membrane that allows some materials to pass through (carbon dioxide, cigar smoke and ash, sonic bugle-weapon mouthpieces, etc.) while keeping breathable air in and pressurized against the vacuum of space.
Invader Zim had a similar helmet in the “Planet-Jackers” episode.
I may be over thinking this (ok, I’m definitely over thinking this), but how exactly is this still World War 2?
I have that issue.
No space Hitler shown, but there is Space Baron Strucker and his space Nazis.
Also, obviously, we fought space WWI first, against the space kaiser and his space huns.
I humbly request the addition of Steve Buscemi riding a warhead bronco-style through the background in just one random frame (a la Armageddon).
Only then will you earn my sixty cents plus tax.
PS. To hell with Samuel Jackson. This is a job for Sam Elliott. Born to smoke cigars, shoot people, and look constipated.
Unfortunately, the cover is the coolest thing about this issue.
I’ve read this comic. It was a disappointingly literal rewrite of the Pacific Campaign, with Aliens standing in for the Japanese. Probably an old Howling Commandos script they had leftover, and just decided to rewrite to remove all the references to “Nips”, “Japs”, “Slants” and “Moonmen”… well… okay that last one would still fit, I guess.
It all went downhill from the cover.
John: Ennis actually wrote a pretty decent DAN DARE update for the now-defunct Virgin Comics. No blatant attempts at shock or anything.
“Space Baron Strucker”: Hail GOOLUNGUX! Cut off are kalinga are two more shall take it’s place!
Wait… Nick Fury didn’t fight a war in space? Missing a trick there, I feel.
I’ve actually read that issue. Most of it, anyway. It’s…it’s pretty awful.
This was a pretty good issue, sure, but the sequel, Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.D. in Space!, would have been even better
And I bet Mel Gibson’s dad STILL denies that any of this really happened!
Lame. And they made Baron Strucker the villain. See, he was an Earthian, so he ought to be on the Earthian side, but instead he was on the aliens’ side, so he was bad.
Because Baron Strucker is bad, you see.
Please, sir, hit me with the hammer of lazy writing some more.
No, he was on the secret Space-Nazi side that planned on doublecrossing everybody and starting a space-third Reich.
Honestly, it’s like you paid no attention to the deeper underlying themes.
Man, even if bad I must get this issue. It will never beat my favorite What If… where Conan was a pimp. But the cover is worth the cost alone.
Why hasn’t this been greenlit for a feature film with Zac Snyder directing?
Because there’s no characters they can use for a painfully awkward 15-minute porn interlude set to “The White Cliffs of Dover”, Sage.
Cough cough.
Typical, Sims, with your “this is SO three years ago” -ness! TYPICAL.
“I’m Nick Fury, and I can smoke cigars in space.”
That alien in the foreground is actually winking at us. Why? Because his pal has tricked Fury into having sex with him (they “do it” by shooting each other in the chest).
This is completely a right and comicful thing to do.
But there are other ideas that come from space…
Lindsey: That’s nothing. Marvel used to make cologne and perfume. Plus, that shirt is pretty sweet.
And don’t you just know that Spider-Man/Green Goblin is some fangirls OTP.
This also means in this reality somewhere there is Space Viking Commando.
[…] Fury, that is, IN SPACE! With a tip-o-the-hat to Mighty God King (and to my buddy John for thinking of the idea), your challenge for the week is to come up with the […]