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sonofzeal said on April 30th, 2009 at 12:56 pm

Could you elaborate?


I knew this was coming.

NCallahan said on April 30th, 2009 at 1:14 pm

Deep breathes, Chris. Drink some water. Smoke some ‘ganja. Maintain, man. Maintain….


He’s only the Time Trapper until Booster Gold rewrites history again. His identity has always been flexible.

It’s also strongly implied that Threeboot is the Earth-Prime Legion (their Kryptonite affects Emoboy, etc.)

ChastMastr said on April 30th, 2009 at 1:32 pm

Agh!! Hadn’t read the issue yet… assumed it was something Dr. Strange-related…


Wait, Dr. Strange is the Time Trapper?


Dr. Strange is only the Time Trapper until Kang rewrites history again. His identity has always been flexible.


i thought it was Immortus who was rewriting history … when he’s not Kang.


Why you gotta make me hit you, Geoff Johns? Why you gotta make me do that?

Funnily enough, Superboy Prime keeps asking that of time.

And that’s why he’s the Time Trapper now.

Or something.


C’mon man, tell me you’re kidding.


Mister Terrific said on April 30th, 2009 at 2:27 pm

In every generation there is a Trapper….


Johns has his character and he’s gonna run him into the fucking ground, yo.


Evan, we’re not talking about Hal Jordan are we? ‘Cause I thought Johns only had love enough for one. . .


Well then who is the Time Tapper? I need a fresh head of foam on my brew.

Kinda figures though, since they already had him punching ripples in the fabric of space and time.

Marvel and DC are like train wrecks in slow motion. Each month we get another couple frames of the overall sequence.


Hey, it makes slightly more sense than Monarch being Hawk AND Captain Atom at the same time…


Well, technically the Time Trapper’s outfit is really ambiguous and the character is extremely flexible. Johns can easily just skip out of it next issue by explaining that anyone could eventually become the Trapper, and having him constantly changing appearance as every new event changes history – for instance, suddenly turning into adult Bart Allen.


Hal is Johns’ pet hero. SBP is his pet villain.

malakim2099 said on April 30th, 2009 at 3:30 pm

I’m not freaking out, as everyone has pointed out the “identity is flexible” stuff already.

Lister Sage said on April 30th, 2009 at 3:55 pm

“Monarch being Hawk AND Captain Atom at the same time…”

All while arching Doctor Venture? He sure keeps a busy schedule.


Come on, the Time Trapper is somebody else literally every single time he takes his hood off. The reveal just made me feel sorta bad for him… it must be so disorienting. Hell, I’d hate the Legion too. “Gotta kill those stupid teenaged bastards, they keep taking my hood off and then I get flooded with an entirely different lifetime when I put it back on, SHIT GETS OLD, YO”


Sorry, I see Time Trapper, but I keep reading Trapper Keeper.

Mark Temporis said on April 30th, 2009 at 5:45 pm

Ick. Superboy Prime. In a perfect world, he and Jason Todd would get caught in an antimatter reaction which kills Prime, and because he doesn’t have any powers, wipes out Jason Todd in every reality.

Was ANYONE clamoring for their comebacks?

Cookie McCool said on April 30th, 2009 at 6:09 pm

I have a feeling someone in the DC hierarchy thinks Superboy Prime is edgy and x-treem and appeals to the kids, like if they could use Chester Cheetah and put him in a cape. It’s so crazy, man, he’s, like, going to grow up to be Superman, but he kicked the shit out of the Superdog that one time, so he’s, like, a bad-ass. He’s the comic book version of Jalapeno Cheetos, if they weren’t the best thing to eat, ever. And I hate him!


Ironically, I haven’t really minded Prime in this book because – well, we’re supposed to hate him. I think it’s kind of interesting that for once an unlikeable villain is just plain unlikeable – not glamorous or romantic or intimidating like Doom or Luthor or Darksied – just a stupid asshole who is unaccountably powerful but not that bright. Admittedly, he’s still a weak character, but the fact that all the characters in the book have more or less the same reaction to Prime as the readers is telling.


“Was ANYONE clamoring for their comebacks?”

Judd Winick and Geoff Johns.


And apparently Waid’s Legion reboot takes place in Earth-Prime?

Eh, I don’t know a lot about Legion history, but hasn’t Time Trapper been revealed to be, like, 20 different people, depending on the time? Give it a year or two. It’ll change.

ChastMastr said on April 30th, 2009 at 7:43 pm

Which is perhaps story fodder itself. Maybe since the Time Trapper is at the end of time, far beyond even the Legion’s era, and the future is mutable, his identity DOES keep changing because the future keeps changing. So at one point he really WAS a Controller, or Glorith, or Cosmic Boy, and… for now… he’s SBP.

Alternately, I’ve got my Way of Arranging Comics Continuities, in which the pre-Crisis Legion has their Time Trapper, the mid-post-Crisis pre-Zero Hour Legion [Earth-Σ] has theirs along with the Pocket Universe Superboy and Mon-El, the late post-Crisis pre-Zero Hour [Earth-Δ] Legion has theirs (the Cosmic Boy Trapper) along with Glorith and Valor and Tiger Rose, the post-Zero Hour [Earth-0] Legion etc. and the 52/Final Crisis/new Multiverse [tentatively, Earth-Ω for now] Legions have this one.

The deeply terrifying schema for all this (and more!) is here:



Bryce (Mouser) said on April 30th, 2009 at 7:59 pm

I am the Time Trapper!



I wish I could punch reality until this never happened.


Okay, quick vote: which universe is more screwed up now, Marvel or DC?

Marvel with the hideous Civil War, odious One More Day, confusing Secret Invasion, and lord knows what else.

DC with every conceivable Crisis known to man, which killed off every other character and brought back every other already-dead character we didn’t want back.

Is the Image Comics universe less f0cked up than this?


Punching reality?

That’s a paddling.

Being revealed as the Time Trapper?

You better believe that’s a paddling.


Except for Final Crisis I like DC better. To me they almost seem like they care to much. And maybe Marvel seemed that way once but now they’ve moved onto spiting the fans who dislike their stories.

Superboy Prime for me has actually become a fun villain to hate.


I wonder if this all stemmed from a mix up in Jello.

Superboy-Prime “Hey Alex, this heaven is great and all, but when you made it I specifically asked for Lime Green Jello.”

Alex “Sorry dude, only got Strawberry.”

Superboy-Prime “I’m going to punch this wall now!”

He punches the wall, somewhere on Earth.

Batman “I knew it was really Riddler this whole time!”

Hush “DAMN YOU!”


See, the problem with Superboy Prime can be equated to a pro wrestling term – “heat.” As in, the reaction a performer gets from the audience. A heel (for those who don’t know, a bad guy wrassler) who can entertain the crowd and gets a strong reaction gets “heel heat.” Eventually they become beloved by the audience, because they’re just so masterful at being bad.

See: Flair, Ric. Heenan, Bobby “The Brain.”

Or in comic book continuity, Lex Luthor, Doctor Doom, the Joker (though his one man band has gotten a little old).

There’s another kind of heat, though–when the crowd is booing not because someone is the villain and thus must be booed–they’re jeering because they think the poor slob fucking sucks and they don’t want to see him in the ring. Heck, they don’t want to see him within ten miles of the arena.

This is “X-Pac Sucks!” heat. This is the kind of heat Superboy Prime has been drawing since he showed up.

And the only person who can’t seem to hear the jeers is Geoff Johns. Maybe if we put up a big cardboard cutout of SBP at a convention and started throwing beer and popcorn at it before we lit it on fire, he’d get the hint?


Remind me again who the Time trapper was the last time before it was erased? Wasn’t it like Cosmic Boy?


“Oh, Geoff Johns. Why you gotta make me hit you, Geoff Johns? Why you gotta make me do that?”

Agreed. How can such a great writer love a character that is so retarded and annoying this much? I mean, he was a horrible idea and horribly handled in IC, but I could understand letting him live so he could be used in Sinestro Corps. But seriously, SBP should have died in Sinestro Corps. Who else wanted to see Ion rip out the whiny shit’s heart and feed it to him?

“Okay, quick vote: which universe is more screwed up now, Marvel or DC?”

DC by far. Green Lantern is the only book I still look forward to, and this is coming from someone who has always preferred DC characters over Marvel. I just hope that Blackest Night is as quality as Sinestro Corps was. The bat family books have been royally screwed. I know a lot of people worship the ground Morrison walks on, but I really disliked what he did with Batman and especially Final Crisis. Superman and the New Krypton stuff is lame. Green Arrow has been pretty hit or miss since the forced wedding stuff. The new guy hasn’t been too bad, though. Superman/Batman is a joke. Justice League has been pretty meh and is now quickly approaching “who gives a crap?”. They’ve just really dropped the ball in just about every area of the universe.

Yeah, Marvel has had some definite missteps lately as well, but no where near DC’s. Plus, when you list all the consistently quality books that hit each month, Marvel just comes out way ahead: Captain America, Daredevil, Invincible Iron Man, X-Factor, Ultimate Spider-Man, Thunderbolts, Deadpool, The Initiative. Dark Avengers has been pretty decent so far. New Avengers can be hit or miss but I still generally enjoy it.


An above comment reminds me of the famous bit with the Romans coming for a certain rebel leader.

“You will be spared the terrible penalty of the franchise reboot on the sole condition that you identify for us the body or living person of the character known as the Time Trapper.”
“I’m the Time Trapper!”
I’m the Time Trapper!”
“No, I’m the Time Trapper!”

Garfield said on May 1st, 2009 at 12:32 am

I really liked Morrison’s Batman, particularly his tart tongue. I’ll remember that line from Final Crisis 6 — where Bats, after an extended torture session, offers “Darkseid. You look like I feel” — for a very long time.

Uber Geek said on May 1st, 2009 at 12:41 am

Just to set things straight:

Rokk Krinn aka. Cosmic Boy was revealed to be the Time Trapper for the first version of the Legion.
He was the one who manipulated the Controller to impersonate him.
Glorith usurped his power, but I don’t think she ever called herself Time Trapper.

In the second version of the Legion, it was hinted that supporting character Lori Morning would become the Time Trapper.

And I do agree, SBP being revealed as the Time Trapper is seriously lick ass.


Is SBP the *new* Time Trapper, or is it that now he’s supposed to have been the Time Trapper all along? If it’s the latter, it’s a little cheap to take a character you created and retroactively shoehorn him into a signficant role in forty-year-old continuity.

Although the multiple Time Trapper thing could be kind of an interesting idea from a certain point of view. It’s the opposite of the science fiction notion that from one event, multiple different futures can diverge. In this case, multiple different pasts *converge* into one event, namely the Time Trapper. THE TIME TRAPPER IS INEVITABLE. ANY ONE OF YOU MAY BECOME HIM SIMPLY BECAUSE *SOMEBODY* MUST.

Evil Midnight Lurker said on May 1st, 2009 at 4:05 am

To heck with all these fake Trappers.

He’s the incarnation of entropy. He IS the End of Everything. Everyone else is just some schmuck in a robe who thinks they can talk the talk and walk the walk.

They’ll all be gone in the end, and only he will remain.

Theron said on May 1st, 2009 at 8:39 am

Why do I get the feeling that Johns’ last contract negotiation went something like:

“One, Prime needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Prime’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking “Where’s Prime”? Three–“

Lister Sage said on May 1st, 2009 at 8:41 am

“Okay, quick vote: which universe is more screwed up now, Marvel or DC?”

Personally I feel it’s DC, granted I’ve always been a Marvel fan. When I got back into comics about three years ago it didn’t take me long to figure out what the status quo of the MU was after a few months, with little online investigation and only taking to one person in the know.

I seriously considered getting into DC stuff for their build up to Final Crisis. But a few things kept me from doing that: 1) The DC Universe one shot, intended to bring new readers in, was unreadable. I had no fucking clue what was going on. Maybe it was just a shitty comic. 2) I objected to the name “Final Crisis”. I mean what bullshit. Your honestly trying to tell me that DC will never do another Crisis again? Please. Haven’t they done at least two in the last 3 or 4 years? Seems like there was a pretty significant about of time between the original Crisis and the mini-Crisis Zero Hour. It’s like DC can’t call any event they do anything other then a Crisis. Just because your shitty event shakes things up doesn’t qualify it to be a Crisis.

All that being said both Universes are pretty fucked. Of course that’s why we have indy comics.


Superboy Prime is like Radiation Roy.

Sofa King said on May 1st, 2009 at 12:13 pm

And it might not be so bad if he wasn’t so damn powerful. if we knew that regular Superman + say J’onn and Captain Atom could take him after a tough drag-out fight, I’d be happier. But no, he has to be the most powerful EVAH. I say just have Deathstroke gut him with a Kryptonite sword and be done with it.


Replace Deathstroke with Deadshot, and the sword with a bullet, and I am 100% behind you on that one.


Sofa King: Don’t be stupid. It’s obvious that the only way he’s going down at this point is by way of HAL JORDAN THE ULTIMATE LANTERN, equipped with all 10 coloured rings and kept ambulatory by his Black Lantern powers.


Wait, even if someone makes a white ring, that’s still only nine. I’m not really caught up on anything, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there are now Brown Lanterns (with the disgusting power that implies).

Lister Sage said on May 1st, 2009 at 3:14 pm

“Brown Lanterns”

An entire lantern core made up of shitty characters? That’s just crazy enough to work.


From what I’ve heard they already have that- they’re called Black Lanterns. :-p


What color is G’nort?


I agree with MGK here.

In the words of Mr Horse: ‘No sir, I didn’t like it.’

Greg G said on May 3rd, 2009 at 6:14 am

DC is smelling a lot like Crossgen more and more each day.

Zenrage said on May 3rd, 2009 at 10:37 pm

Let’s see.. 7 colored rings and black and most likely white (inevitably), and Hal Jordan will most likely get all 9 rings.

So all this build up just so the DC universe can have their very own Mandarin.

Anon, if you want a 10th ring, all you gotta do is invade the Marvel Universe and grab some of Klaw/Songbird’s technology and you can make a Pink Lantern.


Ch’p better come back as a black lantern, that’s all I’m sayin’.



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