…an entire table full of mousepads, where the mousepads are Japanese anime girls and the wrist protectors are their titties.

…an entire table full of mousepads, where the mousepads are Japanese anime girls and the wrist protectors are their titties.
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You’re up late looking at erotic mousepads.
This? Is why all those 80’s movies about the rise of Japan, economic global hegemon, make me giggle.
Also, so long as they have the erotic cartoon mousepad market cornered, we are free to have the erotic photographic mousepad to ourselves.
That’s almost as awful as Blade Runner.
I love the Japanese. *wipes away a tear*
To bad she won’t live, but then again who does?
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.
Guys dressed up in Japanese schoolgirl sailor outfits.
I watched… entire episodes of Gainax series glittering with insanity.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Time to die.
It’s strange. The eyes seem to follow you.
@NCallahan, is that your crush?
Yes, (in a manner of speaking), it is a volcano.
Clean up in aisles five through seven.
That’s the saddest, most depressing goddamn thing I’ve ever seen.
That’s what those were!
Saw these at FanExpo… hilarious.
Behold the horrors that come with being an anime fan (and this isn’t even the worst, just wait till you see the “body pillows”).
It’s… beautiful.
(single tear rolls down cheek, sunset in the background)
I knew that these mousepads existed because of video game blogs and such, but I was a little freaked out when I actually saw that table at FanExpo.
It’s times like these that almost make me ashamed to be studying Japanese. I’m not quite there yet, but dammit, they’re trying.
What’s weird is, I can see a Haruhi mousepad, but no Mikuru.
So ronery.
That’s a purchase I can really get behind.
I need one of those! I mean, a mousepad with a wrist protector. It’s not my fault if I can’t find it in any other design, right?
“What’s weird is, I can see a Haruhi mousepad, but no Mikuru.”
That’s because Mikuru sucks. Duh!
@ q + VersasoVantare: Mikuru wouldn’t work as a mousepad, since the wrist protector bits would be far to high to be useful.
For those in the Toronto area, Anime X on Spidina just north of Dundas has a table of these in front of the model/figure collection. They also have a wall for body pillows and the hentai figures from the anime Air Gear.
it products like this that make me glad that Japanese compnaies do not cater to the gay market..i both shudder and am intrigued by what the gay male variations for those mouse pads would be.
Not a big fan of the Yaoi, then?
Or of filarial elephantiasis, it would seem.
Have u seen these~
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. My cousin said it tastes bland and doesn’t go down to well. But that is what you get for going to Pacific Mall.
Damn, I missed seeing these. i probably would have bought one if I had.
I think I know all those characters. Badass.
Also this is far from the worst. For example, body pillows. Also Boku no Pico masturbatory aid.
Sillies! The MALE versions aren’t mousepads; they’re joystick controllers!
[…] Martin is now getting the second sort of money. It is a better sort of money that is never spent on anime-girl-boobs-mousepads. This sort of money does not know that steampunk is a thing. It thinks Wild Wild West is steampunk. […]
My brother has one of these. The worst part? It’s the most comfortable mouse pad I’ve ever used.
I bought one of these last year at the Fan Expo.