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MGK rallied during the second half, but Flapjacks nailed it in overtime. Truly we’re looking forward to the rematch, only on pay per view.


I got 10-1 odds on Flapjacks losing. Gimme twenty bucks on MGK.


It’s better than describing your hot girlfriend as “smells like zombie corn chips, except when she’s smelling like intensely rotting fish”, like my dog, who is coincidentally not even a little bit loyal.


I remember when the two muslim guys got eliminated in Beijing and they weren’t even at a roadblock. Still annoyed at that.


Justin . . . actually, there was a Roadblock that one of the devout Muslims performed. At least those two had miles on their TAR odometer (TARdometer?). The yoga instructors got hosed, even if they did have “annoying” stamped on their foreheads.

I didn’t like the first leg at all. That might have been the worst thought-out leg in the show’s history. The Vietnam leg was much better, and you can never go wrong with animals on this show.

I don’t think “hulk Lawyer” is evil. Russell from Survivor: Samoa is a far worse character. This guy is just a giant meathead who wasn’t cast for Tool Academy. Most of the teams seem cool, especially the Globetrotters (Herbert & Nathaniel), Zev & Justin, and the father/son combo. No total assholes to start . . . unlike Survivor, where it’s just assholes and faceless people.


I can’t believe this season’s inspirational person has Asperger’s. Midgets, deaf people, girls with only one leg – I didn’t like any of them either, but it’s a harder thing to deal with on a race than the inability to figure out if people are making fun of you. I say this as someone with three different family members with the syndrome, none of who’s voices grate on me like Zev’s does.

In general, there seems to be a dearth of likable, competent teams this year. Last year there was the Asian brother/sister team, and before that the beauty queens, but the poker players are far too obnoxious to take their place.


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